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ArkivDigital - Swedish Genealogy
A subscription service. The image database consists of about 210,000 historical books, documents and records or 61 million digital color images of Swedish church records, estate inventories, court records, tax/census records and other historical records. We use modern technology to digitalize the records directly from the original books and we extend the image database with more than 600,000 color images each month.
Stockholm, Sweden
Centrala Soldatregistret | Den lilla soldaten i det stora försvaret
Central Soldiers Register for Sweden.
Marinmuseum Karlskrona / Naval Museum in Karlskrona
Swedish Navy history.
Riksarkivet Krigsarkivet / Riksarkivet Military Archives
The Military Archives, the part of the National Archives of Sweden concerned with agencies sorting under the Ministry of Defence. We keep archives dating from the 16th century until present times.
Evert Wahlberg's research on soldiers billeted at the S
Soldiers in Ovansj
The allotment system, the system of organizing and financing the Swedish armed forces in earlier times.
Stockholm, Sweden