Descendants of Johann (John) ZACHER and Catherine BAEDER.
ZADROZNY Surname Resource Center
For those interested in the surname ZADROZNY, its origins and history.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
ZAEHRING History- Zaehrings.com - The Zaehring Story in America
Complete descendant tree and family story of Wilhelm & Auguste ZAEHRING, immigrating through Ellis Island in 1890s.
All things ZALEWSKI; History, genealogy, information. Working on a ZALEWSKI world family tree.
ZANDERIGO.Iona Appollonio b. 1 8 1550 - The Legacy of
Families ZANDERIGO Iona & Tavan.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Il posto per incontrare o trovare altre persone aventi il cognome ZECCHIN - The place to meet or find other people with the surname ZECCHIN.
ZEILER Genealogy SW Pennsylvania
Allegheny & Westmoreland County family routes.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Collection of data on the surnames: ZEIS, ZEISS, ZAIS, ZAISS, CEIS, ZEYSS, ZEISE and related families. Also features online photo albums, crests, reunions and more.
Origin of Zemaitis surname and Lithuanian heritage.
ZENAR surname, pictures and other data; DROZDIAK, was recently added. We are looking for more researches to build our database.
Searching for information in Sweden on a Carl Albin F. Zetterberg born between 1840-1850.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
ZHOU Dynasty - China's Imperial Line of Succession
CHOW (CHOU, CHOW, ZHOU) surname genealogy. CHOW Dynasty cha p'u.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
ZIMMERMAN & ZIMMERMANN Surnames in Wisconsin
Surname database listed alphabetically by first name, includes time period and place/s lived in Wisconsin, and when available name of parents, birth and death dates & locations, name of spouse, and name of contact person.
The ZITZMANN family in Thuringia, Germany since 1580 and other families since 1415.
ZANGGER/ZONGKER family tree 1622-1999.
Surnames, Family Associations & Family Newsletters » Surnames - Z » Surname Specific Sites & Resources
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