Descendants of William TEDEN and Catherine MOOR
Page showing ancestry of all those bearing the name TEDEN in the United Kingdom.
Descendents of Roger TOOTHAKER
Database containing about 6,000 of the Descendents of Roger TOOTHAKER born 1612.
All members of the German TRUMME family (about 1650-2001).The TRUMME family is derived from Haverbeck.Haverbeck belongs to the town of Damme, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany.
This website focuses on the descendants of Robert W. DUNCAN and Mary MEIKLE and Reuben Dodson TILLEY and Sarah BAKER. Robert and Mary DUNCAN emigrated from Scotland to the Dakota Territory by way of Ontario, Canada in the mid-1800s. Reuben and Sarah TILLEY moved from North Carolina to Harrison County, Missouri. The most common SURNAMES are DUNCAN, TILLEY, HALL, JOHNSON, YOUNGMAN, HOFLAND, PATERSON, WILSON, GODFREY, LADD, THOMPSON, ELEESON, NORTHWAY, SWEENEY, and ANDERSON.
Genealogia, descendentes e ascendentes de Getulino da Costa TOURINHO e Virg
Descendants of Edward TURNER.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Genealogy TOUYA(A) family from the southeast of France. French language site.
Genealogie der Familie TITTEL - Genealogy of the TITTEL Family
The roots of the TITTEL family are tracable back in the 18th century to Johann Caspar TITTEL who was a butter dealer and cottager in Seiffen/Saxony/Germany.
The Tiggelman/Tichelman/Tiggleman family (Dutch).
Worldwide one-name study for the surname TROOST, VAN TROOST, TROAST, TROST and variants.
Genealogy - Jacob TURK and Anna CHAMBERLAIN Descendants
From Greene County, New York.
Genealogy - TARVER-Gen: TARVER Family Genealogy
Primarily southeastern U.S. from 1600s through present. TARVER, COCKERHAM, ROGERS, WELCH, LEE, others; GEDCOM, queries, transcribed records, search engine.
Genealogy of the TROWBRIDGE Family in Morris County, New Jersey
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Genealogy of the THORRE family; G
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