STARK FamilyTree DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
The STARK surname may have many variations, and may give us general, incomplete, or misleading information about it's origin. Y-DNA testing can help to separate and identify our family lines. The male Y-chromosome is handed down from father to son unchanged through the generations, except for rare mutations which can be indicators of branching. Your family history research can be verified by a matching DNA test.
STARLING Family Tree / One Name Study
A site for the use and enjoyment of all STARLINGs and their allied families in researching their heritage and sharing in eachother's accomplishments.
STARNES / STARNS Triennial Association
From the Rhineland Palatinate in Germany, the STARING family immigrated to the Mohawk Valley in New York. Site features the descendants of Frederick Starnes who migrated to the New River Valley in Southwest Virginia in 1745.
Staub family of Eppingen, Baden, Germany settled in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and West Virginia. Rightstine, Colcord, Lee, and Bradway.
StaufferGenealogy.com - Resources for STAUFFER family history and Genealogy research
StaufferGenealogy.com contains links to interesting and useful Stauffer Genealogy sites and resources. Participate in the on-line discussion forum to collectively further the efforts of all Stauffer family history researchers.
This site has been produced to highlight the results of many years of research by more than 100 individuals researching their STAVELEY ancestry worldwide. Site includes census data, BMD records, military service records, biographies, STAVELEY heraldry, and personal anecdotes. The goal is to chronicle the history of each of the known STAVELEY lineages, and follow each through to the present day.
The STAVELEY Surname DNA Project uses Y-Chromosome DNA analysis to determine how modern lineages of the surname Staveley and its common variants.
STAVELEY Family Genealogy - The Staveleys of Aysgarth, Yorkshire
Ancestors and descendants of George Staveley and Dorothy Wray (m. 1806) of Aysgarth. Includes Staveleys of East Witton, Thoralby, Aysgarth, and Manchester.
STE MARIE families of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
A story of one Stead family history from Ilkley, West Yorkshire,UK, to Wortley, Leeds, and onwards.
This group is dedicated to the "RESEARCH" of the surname Stearns and all known alternate name spellings: Stern, Stearns, Starnes, Stearn, Sterne, Stearnes... etc....!
Dedicated to the Steatham surname. The Steatham surname is extremely rare and research proves that it came from one man Robert Steatham (1775-1827).
The complete site for the origins of the Steatham surname.
335 connected Stebbins.
For details send e-mail to Tammy Steele at: [email protected].
Steeler family tree name changed to Steele.
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