Scullard Family Tree with marital connections, covering the period from about 1440 to 1700, mainly in Hampshire, England.
Connecting the Scutt families of Sussex from Henry VIII to George II, including surname variations Skutt, Scut, Skute, Scute, Skut, Scutte, Skutte.
SEAGO Family History Group - UK
A one-name family history site dedicated to SEAGO, SAGO, SEAGOE, etc., in the UK.
A world-wide study registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies. Covers variants such as Sagrott, Segrott, and Secret(t).
A narrative history of the SEALY male line from Joseph SEALY (born about 1645), following the line that leads to Charles Edward SEELEY(1881-1964). Related families: JAGGERS, ESTES, HARDIN, WALKER, DARBY, GORE, HUNSAKER, and RHODES.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Having traced my own family line back to Suffolk, England to the 1500's, I became increasingly keen to connect all the UK 'SEAMAN' individuals in to their respective family trees, hence started on my current project to catalogue, trace, and connect all the other 'SEAMAN' individuals through census records, The National Archives, War Records and any other sources I can find to help piece together everyone's family trees. My current database has 70,000+ individuals, from 1500 - present day, and with over 14o trees currently assembled, tracked (where possible) with supporting source references. I do want to share findings, help others, and to have a comprehensive 'one stop shop' for 'SEAMAN' information. Other mis-spellings over time 'SEYMAN' 'SEMAN' and 'SEAMON' make life hard for searching, hence it is hoped this site will enable us to make new friends, find lost relatives and harness the power of collective research. Willing to do a free quick look up on request to see what I have in my databases for anyone you have lost
SEAMAN Family History Pages: The History and Genealogy of the Family of Caleb SEAMAN
Documenting the descendants of Caleb SEAMAN (1740-1820). Caleb, a loyalist, born in NY - moved with his family to Ontario, Canada in 1789.
SEAMONS family, originally from Weedon, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Searcey Family Historical Project
This magnificent group has been formed and exists to help Searcey-Searcy-Sircy (and various additional spellings) descendants to find their family roots -- 'Searc-ology' so to speak. The Project will contain data on the ancestry, history, and heritage of the Searcey-Searcy-Sircy-Cersy-Cerse Family in America, and its ancestral family as well.Many were from England, France, and surrounding areas prior to their immigration.
SEARLE - One Name Study of the SEARLE Surname in Australia
SEARLE surname in Australia, family history and genealogy.
SEARLES in Westchester County, New York
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
SEBRING Collections: Genealogy and History of the SEBRING Family
Begins with Roelof Lukassen SEUBRING of the Netherlands in the 1600s and follows the family through 1975.
Jean Sy from Calais France was the father of Isaac See, who went to NY and began a huge family in the US. SEE family starts in Holland and came to New York and Virginia.
SEEs of New York - Hudson Valley SEEs
This site concentrates on descendants of Isaac SY who came from Picardy, France to Tarrytown, NY via the English ship Diamond in 1674. Related surnames include Devoe, Conklin, Dutcher, Gardenier, Foseur, Ackerman, and Van Wert. The site includes a growing list of 1850 census entries for SEEs in the U.S.
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