NANCE/SOWERS Genealogy and More
This is a "library" of records and information on the surname NANCE (Including: NANCE, NANTZ, NANTZE, NANSE, NANZ, NANS and other possible variations) The census is what I mainly concentrate on the most...
NANGLE Family's Genealogy Homepage
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Dedicated to helping people doing genealogical research on Irish Naughton family lines in all of its varied spellings--from the original O'Neachtain (Ua Neachtain) to O'Naghten, Naghten, Naghtan, Naughtan, Naughten, Naughtin, Naughton, Nocton, Nockton, Knockton, Nattan, McNaughton, Norton and other variations of the original Irish spelling.
NAUMANEN Family Society. The name of the society is "Naumasen sukuseura ry", from Joensuu municipality and the territory of the Society is the whole of Finland.
NEACE on the 1900 Virginia Census
Images of the soundex cards for all families with the surname NEACE (and all alternate spellings) that appear on the 1900 Virginia Census.
Genealogy of NEAME family of Kent, England from 1400's to present. 2,354 NEAME's listed, plus spouses.
A worldwide study of the genealogy and family history of the name NEATBY.
Known members of the NEECH family which has its roots in Norfolk, England, and spread worldwide.
This site provides basic genealogy data and family trees on the NEEDHAM's starting with those in Derbyshire and Sheffield and will subsequently roll out to other regions in the country. Included are baptism, burial and marriage data from parish records, court records from TNA, tax and crime records, information on origins and residences, and data from wills and gravestones.
For the Exchange of NAEF, NAF, NAFF, NAVE, NEAVE, NEEF, NEFF, etc.
Descendants of John and Ellen NEILL of Ireland, who settled in Huron County Ontario in the 1860's.
Descendants of Wiebe NEISINGH and Dieurke FOL.
NELLER Family History - Australia, England, Wales, United States
NELMS / NELMES / ELMS - Family History
Nelms family history in England and Australia including details of immigration in 1873.
Helping people find their NELSON genealogical information online. Includes sections of links, queries, forums, e-mail lists, obituaries, personal files and more.
Descendants of James F. NELSON, b. 1805 in VA, lived in GA and LA.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
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