Summary of early KNOWLES, KNOLES, NOLES families in Georgia, their ties to North Carolina, Delaware and ENGLAND. Also links to Indiana, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas.
KNOX Genealogy - Tale of Two Johns
Ancestors and descendants of John KNOX and Polly B. ROBISON of Caldwell Station and McDowell Creek, Mecklenburg Co, NC.
Knox Women--"Gramma Knox's Legacy" from Blandford, MA to Thomaston, CT and beyond by Peggy J. Knox
My line of Knox ancestors are: William Knox; Capt. William Knox; Samuel Knox, Samuel Knox, Jr.-all of Blandford, Massachusetts-Anson Smith Knox; George Anson Roberts Knox; George Anson Knox-from the Hotchkissville section of Woodbury, Connecticut and then Thomaston, Connecticut--Milan Anson Knox; me. For the past sixty years, the descendants of George Anson Roberts Knox gather for an annual reunion at Black Rock state Park in Watertown, Connecticut (just over the Thomaston town line). This year marked 60 years. We also gather the Sunday before Thanksgiving in the Methodist Church in Thomaston for the annual Knox Family Memorial service.
A non-commercial site dedicated to enabling KNOX Family History Researchers' discovery of family line ties through the sharing of DNA testing results, as well as traditional genealogy research, and information needed to make a 'paper genealogy' connection with our probable 'genetic' cousins.
KOBERNUSS & KUBBERNUSS Families of Mecklenburg Germany
Kochenberger Family of Missouri and Colorado
The History and Origin of the Kochenberger Family of Ohio, Missouri and Colorado.
Kochersperger Family of America
Genealogy of the Kochersperger, Kochersberger, Kochensperger, Kochensparger, Kokensparger, Kokensberger, Kochenspere, Cokensparger, Cochensparger, Cogansparger, Coensparger, Kochenberger, Kokenberger, Guggisberg, Guggisperg and Gugisperg families with origins in Rittershoffen, Alsace, France and the Swiss villages of Belp, Englisberg, K
Genealogy of the Kochersperger family and the many spelling variations of the surname. This page has been created to bundle all the known information that can be be found on the internet and many other sources. We would like to inform about historical facts, the family roots, the Rittershoffen tree, chronicles of the different branches, name-variations, picture gallery and a view into the virtual cemeteries all of which will serve to complete the family history.As a matter of course you will find an index of persons and on the basis of biographies you may deepen your knowledge of the family. Graphic charts will give you a quick overview of kinship and relationships.In addition we offer services with links and downloads. Much of the information could not be categorized without losing the clarity. This data base has been placed with the library page. In view of the vast quantity of data that we plan to cataloge, it will take a considerable amount time before all of the information can be added to the website. Visit our site often, as each time you will almost certainly find new input.
For anyone researching any of the more than 108 Americanized spellings of the surname KÖHLER. A few of these are: KOEHLER, COLER, KOHLER, CAYLER, KAYLOR, CULLER, KELLAR, KOLAR, & KEHELER; but there are many, many others. Come share with us. Maybe you'll find cousins.
KOLB-KULP-CULP Family Association
A cooperative link to various Kolb/Kulp/Culp family lines.
Blog about Kolbe genealogy research from Germany to Michigan, United States.
Devoted to the genealogy of the KOLOJESKI and KOLODZIEJSKI family. At least 7 KOLODZIEJSKIs from Przeradowo and nearby towns in Poland (north of Warsaw) arrived in Shenandoah, Pennsylvania and Scranton, Pennsylvania between 1899 and 1907.
KOPPELMAN, HEDEMAN, RAAB, BOPP, SCHWARZ, SCHAUB, SOEDER, GLEITSMAN, LUTZ, REINEKE, BETZ, KLINGER, VOLZ, MELCHOIR. Documents history of Koppelman family that immigrated from Kingdom of Hannover to Baltimore County, Maryland, in 1834.
Devoted to the collection and distribution of information about any named KORDYBAN. KORDIBAN, KURDYBAN and KURDIBAN.
Dedicated to the Korndörfer surname worldwide, including variations like Korndoerfer, Korndorfer, Korndörffer, Korndoerffer, Korndorffer, Korndorff, Kornderfeer, Kurrendorffer, etc.
KORNS Family Genealogy, Somerset County PA
History of the Somerset County, Pennsylvania pioneer Michael Korn/Korns, Senior, born in Berks County, PA in 1760.
Genealogy and pictures of Martin Kosanke family and descendants from Paris, Bessarabia, Ukraine.
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