Ancestry of the Foster and Forster names.
FOUBERT families of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Everything about the FOULKES surname, including meaning, family histories, pictures, and family tree.
FOURNIER families of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Descendents of Samuel FOWKS Greene County, New York.
The Foys of Craven, Jones and Onslow Counties, North Carolina, and their descendants.
FOY families of Quebec.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
FOY Roots - A Genealogy Web Page
The FOY Roots genealogy web page contains tons of FOY info from around the world, especially New York City and Ireland.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
FOZARD, FOZZARD, FOSSARD names from church records, census, BDMs and such.
Frain Family Tree - Illinois Branch
Family history information on Frain, Frayne, Coonrod, Bird, Briddick, Cook, Hoadley, Bensen, Sweeney and more with roots in Bureau County and Green County Illinois, County Durham England and County Mayo, Ireland.
FRAINIER Family Genealogy - United States of America (USA)
The descendants of Francis Peter FRAINIER and Anna Sabine BRAUMANN (the Frainier Family) in the United States of America.
FRAKES surname database; occasionally other surnames necessary to connect families.
The FRAME DNA PROJECT was established to: 1. Collect, document and extend FRAME pedigrees to find common ancestors. (See Patriarch page) 2. Help researchers on common or related families work together to find their common heritage (See the Results and Patriarch pages) 3. Identify the DNA of the ancestor families and compile them and their lost branches into distinct genetic lineages through DNA matches (See Results page) 4. Identify which variant surnames relate to a common Frame ancestor. Males of the FRAME surname or variant surnames from all around the world are welcome to join.
A study of the origins of the FRAME family.
Family trees and research documents related to the Francisco, Cisco, Sisco families of the United States.
FRANCKE Genealogie te Walcheren, Zeeland
Familie Francke komt uit Zeeland, Pietr is de eerst bekende, hij woonde nabij Middelburg, omstreeks 1600.
Ancestry and descendants of William Francom and Amy Harding, early converts to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and emigrants from South Africa in the 1860s. Today thousands of Francoms live in North America and most descend from the children of those pioneer ancestors: William, George, Joseph, John, Samuel, Mary Ann, and James. CLARK, COLE, DAY, FRANCOM, HEATON, JANSON, MATHEWS, NELSON, PARROTT, PERES, SANDERSON, TERRY, TILLOTSON, WADSWORTH, ZETTERQUIST.
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