Researching our CARMICHAEL family who originated around Perthshire, Scotland.
John Waite COGSWELL and his Descendants
Genealogy of John Waite Cogswell, descendant of John Cogswell originally from Westbury, England.
Kentucky Couch Kin and SWAPaSOURCE Trading Post. Web-based project where you can hunt, find and exchange authentic genealogy source documents for COUCH family research in Kentucky.
The purpose of this page is to share common family tree information for the surnames KRAYNAK and CRONAUER, though information is available on many other surnames. Many of the families originated in Northeastern Pennsylvania, with roots in Germany and Slovakia. The information contained in these pages spans 12 generations and over 350 years. There are over 500 surnames for nearly 2300 individuals. I hope you find some information of interest. I have made every effort to keep the names of living relatives private. Source documents are available upon request. Additions and corrections are always welcome.
CAMUNAS family website. Origins from Daimiel, Castilla La Mancha in Spain. Now located in many places in Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, South America and the United States.
Lawson, Cheesbrough & Vertigan One Name Studies
Lawson, Cheesbrough & Vertigan worldwide study. Forum based web site allowing members to post details of their family. Access is available to massive databases covering births, deaths, marriages, census and more with over 470,000 entries worldwide.
These are genealogies of the LINDSLEY and CALLBREATH families who settled in Sullivan County, New York in the 1800s. The LINDSLEY family is descended from Francis and Susana CULLPEPER LINSLY of England, Connecticut and New Jersey. The CALLBREATH family is descended from Thomas and Susannah FINCH CALLBREATH of Scotland and New York. These families are intertwined with the HUNTINGTON and MITTEER families of Sullivan County. The HUNTINGTON family is descended from Simon and Margaret BARET HUNTINGTON of Norwich, England and Massachusetts. The MITTEER family is descended from Samuel B. and M. Lucinda Amelia REYNOLDS MITTEER of Basque, France and New York. The nexus of these families was my great-great grandmother Josephine Louisa CALLBREATH who married Joseph Gilbert HUNTINGTON. Their daughter Mary Esther HUNTINGTON married Floyd Elmer LINDSLEY. Floyd and Mary Esther's daughter Helen Alice LINDSLEY married Frederick William MITTEER. Another family, descended from Louis P. HENDRICKS of Germany and New Jersey, is of great interest to me. Louis and his wife Anna MEYER are my great grandparents on my father's side, their daughter being Matea HENDRICKS who married my grandfather John Gay LINDSLEY. After Anna died, Louis married Wilhelmina PRANGE and produced at least five more children. Any further information about this family would be greatly appreciated.
Includes Colson Heritage, dedicated to the research and discovery of the COLSON family's Medieval ancestors. It contains information garnered from numerous sites and documents including coats of arms, surname histories maps, images of historical sites, and links to related sources. COLSON, COULSON, COLSTON, BLANKENSHIP, BLENKINSOPP.
Home of research information on the MARKHAM and COLLINS families of Old England from around 1550 to 1700 AD, with some work done in New England. A few surnames: MARKHAM, COLLINS, WHITMORE, HARRIS, ROSE, FRANCKLYN, GOLTY, WAGGER, WARD, ROGERS.
McCandlish, McCandless, Conlisk, O'Quinlist, Cundliss, et al. - the Cuindlis Families
A project on the family history, etymology, human geography, tartans, and heraldry of Scottish and Irish families with surnames derived from Old Irish Cuindlis, Cuindlaes, or (later) Coinleisc. See also our associated Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cuindlis
McQUEEN - CREWS Homepage - A Gathering Place for Descendants of John McQUEEN and Nancy CREWS
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
Descendants of Frank and Catherine CLARKE.
Family history of the Cassidys and associated families of Scotland and Ireland. Pages on how to go about researching your family history and links to useful sites.
Christmas Genealogy including surnames Claydon, Boorn, Nicholson and Scotford.
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