Y-DNA Surname project for all members of Clan MacMillan (all spellings) and septs.
MacPherson/McPherson Autosomal DNA Group Part of the MacPherson DNA Project (Facebook)
A Facebook group for anyone interested in testing their autosomal dna that is related to a Macpherson/McPherson family. Most of the members have tested their autosomal dna using the Family Finder Test at Family Tree DNA however if you have used another company to test please still join. We discuss all issues/questions concerning autosomal dna and family connections.
Macpherson/McPherson YDna Group Part of the MacPherson DNA Project at FTDNA (Facebook)
A Facebook group for anyone that has joined or plans to join the Macpherson/McPherson DNA Project at Family Tree DNA. This group is for members that have tested or are interested in testing their YDna at Family Tree DNA
Genealogy by genetics is the best addition to Genealogy since the foundation of the Family Tree! Come join MADDOXes (all variations of the name) in this hunt for Ancestors.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
MALLETT Family History - MALLETT Surname DNA Study
A surname study for the surname MALLETT and any conceivable alternate spellings (English (Malet, Mallet, Mallett, Mellett, Mallott, etc.), or French/Swiss/Belgian (Malet, Mallet, Maleth, Mallette, Malette, Maillet etc.), or Italian (Malet, Maletto), or Spanish (Malet, Mallet), or African origin).
A Y chromosome DNA study for Manning, Mannen, Mannin, etc, families worldwide with descent from the United Kingdom and Eire.
MARSTON Y-DNA Surname Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
Goal: To provide genetic proof of a relationship to a common ancestor shared among men whose surname is/was either MARSTON, MASTEN, MASTIN, or MERSTON.
MASON (surname variations) from any country who have been Ydna or MTdna tested at any lab.
MAY Family Reconstruction Project
In MAYS, MAYES, and other variants.
McAtee DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
McAtee DNA Project, is a DNA project for those with ancestors of the surname McAtee, or variations, who are interested in comparing their DNA profile in attempts to trace earlier generations, as well as gathering deeper ancestry information. We do ask that all who join the project have the McAtee or a variant surname or in their provable direct ancestry. A pedigree of your direct ancestry will be required to join. YDNA, mtDNA, Family Finder (Autosomal) and National Genographic Geno 2 tests results are allowed into this project.
McBEE Family Project Website (FamilyTreeDNA)
The MCBEE surname may have many variations,[MOCKBEE, MCABOY, MCABEE, MOCABEE, MOCKABEE, MAGBEE, MCEVOY] and may give us general, incomplete, or misleading information about it's origin. Y-DNA testing can help to separate and identify our family lines. The male Y-chromosome is handed down from father to son unchanged through the generations, except for rare mutations which can be indicators of branching.
McCABE DNA Surname Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
Searching for connections worldwide among the McCabe families by the use of DNA.
The McCain DNA project is open to McCains from Ireland and Scotland and their descendants that have a genetic link to the McCain families listed on our results page. Common anglicised forms are McCain, McCaine, McKain, McKane, McKean, and McKeen. Families that have a genetic link to the McCains of Kilmichael Glassary, Argyll, are also allowed to join.
McCALEB/McCALIP DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
Surnames: MacALPIN, MacKILLIP, MacKILLOP, MacPHILLIP, McALPIN, McALPINE, McAULIFFE, McCALEB, McCALIP, McCLEAF , McGILLIVRAY, McKILLIP, McKILLOP. The McCaleb/McCalip DNA project will allow various families to determine which branch of this group that they belong to and how far back they have a common ancestor. After its completion it will act as a springboard for further research. The earliest McCaleb/McCalip imigration to America was in about the 1740
McCLELLAN (various spellings) DNA Project (FamilyTreeDNA)
This project was established to use Y-DNA for assistance in McClellan genealogy research.
A forum for all McCorkle researchers to compare their traditional genealogical research to the results indicated by DNA comparisons. Also for variant spellings: McCorcal, McCorcle, McCorkel, McCorkell, McCorkendale, McCorkindale, McCorkle, McCorquodale, McCorquodell, etc.
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