Hypertext Indented Narrative pedigree format
A paper in the SoG's computer journal describing a method of laying out family trees by hand.
Shareware program that will create web pages.
Legacy Family Tree Genealogy Software
Download Legacy 9.0. For Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (Legacy runs on newer Macs with Windows installed under Bootcamp, Parallel or Fusion . Legacy runs on Linux machines with a Windows emulator like VMWare or Sun's Virtual Box).
A program to create HTML-based Family Books, Ancestry Lists and Village Family Books based on a GEDCOM file.
A shareware Perl script that generates Web pages on the fly from a GEDCOM file.
phpGedView enables you to put your family tree online quickly and easily. All you have to do is upload the program to your website with your GEDCOM file and watch it work. It features pedigree and descendancy views, and supports multimedia files. It also allows users to download clippings from your GEDCOM and import them into their genealogical programs.
The most popular genealogy program for the Macintosh. Reunion has received the highest ratings for genealogy software in MacWorld, MacAddict, and Mac Home Journal magazines. Reunion 9 requires OS 10.3.9 or higher.
Windows. RootsMagic can generate web sites automatically from your data, in narrative format, pedigree chart format, family group sheet format, or a combination pedigree / family group sheet format.
rootsPersona is a Wordpress plugin that creates one or more pages of family history using data imported from a Gedcom file.
A GEDCOM-to-HTML conversion program for the Macintosh.
Over 25 articles on how to use the genealogical website generation program Second Site.
Web site generator from a GEDCOM file.
The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding
Database-driven genealogy site creation software using PHP and mySQL. Can be a PHP-Nuke or PostNuke module. Includes simple & advanced searching, pedigree, descendancy, report generator, GEDCOM import/export, admin interface & more. Protects private data with user rights. Allows linking or import of photos & documents. What's New shows recent changes. Supports multiple languages, multiple family trees. Backup/Restore. Many customization options. Detailed install instructions, plus fast, free & friendly support.
The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding ("TNG")
The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding© ("TNG") is a powerful way to manage and display your family tree on your own website, all without generating any static HTML. Instead, your information is stored in a database and the pages are created on demand. All you need is a website and TNG!
webtrees - Web based family history software
A free, open-source, on-line collaborative genealogy application. Requires a website with PHP and MySQL installed.
Free software to display your family tree on a web browser.
We provide quality family tree website hosting with low costs, powered by TNG software. We set it all up for you and you can have your own family sub-domain name.
XY Family Tree - Free Family Tree Software
A free family tree program, very easy to use on a PC but also with web display facilties. Assumes that most data will be sparse and requires only a knowledge of parents. Media files can be used to enhance display and to group events and individuals. GEDCOM import is available.
Software & Apps » Genealogy Web Page/Site Software
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