PC Users Group of South Jersey
Genealogy SIG for the PC Users Group of South Jersey based in Cherry Hill, New Jersey serving southern & central New Jersey and Philadelphia.
Pea River Historical and Genealogical Society
Enterprise, Alabama. Identifying, collecting, preserving, archiving, researching, and promoting interest in historic and genealogical records of Coffee County and the Pea River Region of South Alabama.
Peace River Genealogical Society
Peach County Historical Society
Fort Valley, Georgia.
Peacham Historical Association
Peacham, Vermont.
Pearl River Historical Society
Pecan Valley Genealogical Society
Brownwood, Texas
Pee Dee Chapter, South Carolina Genealogical Society
Marion, South Carolina. Located in Marion county & serving the neighboring Pee Dee area in the northeastern part of the state, including Dillon, Florence, Marion & Marlboro counties.
Maryland. Historic preservation society.
Brunswick, Maine.
Pelham, New Hampshire.
Pellissippi Genealogical & Historical Society
Clinton, Anderson County, Tennessee.
Pembina County Historical Society
Cavalier, North Dakota.
Pendleton County Historical Society & The Falmouth Outlook
Falmouth, Kentucky.
Peninsula Belgian American Club
Namur, Wisconsin.
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