Indiana Postal History Society
Bloomington, Indiana.
Indische Genealogische Vereniging [Dutch Indies Genealogical Association]
An institution that plays a leading role in the research of European (Dutch) families in the Dutch East-Indies, the Caribbean, and South America. We are, however, primarily concentrating on the Dutch East-Indies (now Indonesia). Many people have already found their way to the IGV. The publication of research results is being stimulated by issuing the quarterly magazine
Ingham County Genealogical Society
Mason, Michigan.
Ingham County Historical Commission
Inglewood, Victoria, Australia.
Poland. Preserving the memory of the losses suffered by the Polish Nation as the result of World War 2 and the post-war period.
Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealogicas
Argentine Genealogical Institute.
International Aristocratic Royal Ancestry Society
The International Aristocratic Royal Ancestry Society, also known as TIARAS or TIARA Society, is a proud, culturally diverse, and select order of individuals and families whose ancestry traces back to European nobility and royalty. Our group consists of members from all over the world that have reliably sourced family trees which include the House of Plantagenet, Charlemagne, and the Merovingian Dynasty.
International Association of Germans from Lithuania
The IAGL, a not-for-profit corporation, was created first and foremeost as a genealogical resource for those researching their ancestors in this region. Their online searchable database is free to the public and contains tens of thousand of transcribed records. It continues to grow.
International German Genealogy Partnership
A group of partner societies interested in German genealogy. The IGGP facilitates German genealogy research globally as the internationally recognized federation of German genealogy organizations. IGGP was formerly known as German-American Genealogical Partnership (GAGP).
International Map Trade Association (IMTA) Home Page
Map makers and dealers all over the world.
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