Flintshire, Wales.
Bainbridge Island Genealogical Society
Rollingbay, Kitsap County, Washington.
Bainbridge Island Historical Society
Bainbridge Island, Washington.
Baker County Historical Society
Macclenny, Florida.
Baldwin County Genealogical Society
Foley, Alabama.
Ballarat & District Genealogical Society
Victoria, Australia.
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia.
Ballingeary and Inchigeela Local History Society
County Cork, Ireland.
Ballyclare and District Historical Society
County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
Baltimore Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (BAAHGS) Updated
Baltimore, Maryland.
Baltimore County Genealogical Society
Parkville, Maryland.
MD-BCGS Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
Sponsored by the Baltimore County (Maryland) Genealogical Society, for postings of news and events of the Society and other items of general interest for researchers in Baltimore County.
Baltimore County Historical Society
Baltzer Meyer Historical Society
Their mission is to preserve the heritage of Old Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania for tomorrow
Baltzer Meyer Historical Society
Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Bangor, Maine.
Bankstown Family History Group
Bankstown, New South Wales, Australia.
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