Naval History and Heritage Command
U.S. Navy History, Department of the Navy.
Operated by the Submarine Memorial Association, The New Jersey Naval Museum (NJNM) introduces state residents and visitors to New Jersey's Navy heritage and naval history in general.
Online Resources: Mystic Seaport
Mystic Seaport Collections and Research Department: Online Resources. Ship Registers, Yacht Registers, Connecticut Ship Database, Protection Certificates, Crew Lists, Immigration Vessels, E-Collections, Whalemen's Shipping List, American Whaling Voyages.
Salem, Massachusetts.
Formerly known as the Essex Institute. A large maritime history collection including 19th- and 20th-century images of ships.
Penal transportation records: Ireland to Australia, 1788–1868
From the National Archives, Dublin, Ireland.
Pennsylvania State Archives - Ships Passenger Lists
The Pennsylvania State Archives maintains official ships' passenger lists on digitized microfilm (Record Group-26), recording the arrival of Continental Europeans (chiefly German, Dutch, Swiss and French) at the Port of Philadelphia, 1727-1744, 1746-1756, 1761, 1763-1775, 1785-1808. Lists dating before the Revolution do not cover British subjects since their status remained unchanged by their removal from one part of the King's dominion to another.
A collection of photographs, newspaper ads, ship information and other materials about emigration and migrants from Europe. The museum is located in Antwerp, Belgium.
Smith's Master Index to Maritime Museum Websites (Wayback Machine)
Links with descriptions to an alphabetically arranged listing of maritime museums.
New York City.
Steamboat Photographs - Murphy Library - University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Large collection of photographs of inland steamboats, particularly on the Mississippi and Ohio.
One of the largest collections of Social and Cultural historical documents from the 1800s through 1954 with concentrations in Steamship and Ocean Liner documents and photographs, Passenger Lists (Transatlantic European Voyages; Some Australian and South African), U.S. Navy Archives and additional materials covering World Wars I and II, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Immigration documents from Ellis Island, Castle Garden and other Immigration Stations.
Guide to Immigration Resources at the Gjenvick-Gj
Listing and details of immigration information available at the Gjenvick-Gj
The Mariners' Museum - Newport News, Virginia
Archives, manuscripts, manifests & research services available.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration - Immigration Records
Immigration records for arrivals to the United States from foreign ports between approximately 1820 and 1982. The records are arranged by Port of Arrival.
Ships & Passenger Lists » Libraries, Archives & Museums
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