Professional genealogist Susan Skilton with expertise in the U.S. Pacific States and experience in family tree research, historical research, writing, speaking. Experience with court records, book and journal article writing, family tree projects, and DNA analysis.
Willowtrees of Bedfordshire UK
Located in Bedfordshire, specialising in 14th century to present day. Also convict and transportation records to Australia and America.
A genealogy service focusing mainly on Worcestershire and the Midlands.
Worcestershire Family History Research
Research individuals, families and places using Parish Registers, the Civil Index, Census Returns, Electoral Registers and a variety of other records. Can also research the history of a house where an ancestor lived or even a road or village.
Transcription services used to assist in the preservation of all manner of family records and documents. Archival quality materials are used in the finished project. Complete care of the original documents and the privacy of the contents are guarenteed. We handle diaries, letters, vital statistics verbal and written memoirs and more. Research for the verification or clarification of information is available at your request.
World War 2 casualty, veteran, and military unit records research by WW2 Researcher Bill Beigel. Offering full-service research and records analysis, guided DIY research, research training workshops for genealogists, group and civic memorial research.
www.ancestor-research.co.uk - Family Tree Research
Family trees research within England and Wales.
Polish-Latin-Russian into English translation services done by a family historian and qualified linguist.
Wych Genealogy offers a professional family history research service for England and Wales. Experienced researcher, affordable prices. Find out who your ancestors were, where they lived and what they did for a living.
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49 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers