Unlock Your Past offers bespoke and family history research services from Scotland, primarily from Tayside, Stirlingshire, Perthshire, Kinross, and Edinburgh. We are passionate about unlocking your Scottish heritage.
Christine Aumueller in Wisconsin.
Up, Roots! Genealogy Research Services, Judi LANGER-SURNAMER CAPLAN
In the metropolitan New York City area, including the boroughs of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, as well as Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
Upper Canada Genealogy - helping you trace your Ontario roots
Research service.
Lisa Dougherty, a professional genealogist, lecturer and volunteer based in the Albany area of upstate New York.
Adoption searches. Adoptee, birthmother through mediation.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - U
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