Relativity Genealogy Solutions
Resources, research services, & newsletter.
Rellyseeker Family History and Genealogy
New Zealand research undertaken. I'm based in Wellington, the capital city, home of major archives.
Robert A. Rice, professional genealogist and family history research provider. Serving clients in Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, other states, and internationally. My goal, as your personal genealogist, is to help you meet your genealogy and family history needs. I can help you discover and better understand who you are, the ancestors you descend from, and what your family history holds. I can help you to document your unique family and I can help you preserve documents and photos, among other offerings.
Research and Escort in Sicily by Emilio
Professional Italian researcher and tour guide.
Research Etc., Inc. - Adoption Searches: Find Birth Parents and Family with Adoption Search Services
Research Etc., Inc. has been very successful in reuniting birth families in Arizona and all over the United States. Whether you have scads of information or virtually no information surrounding the adoption, we can help. Because our firm specializes in adoption search work, we are very sensitive to the emotional issues surrounding triad members (adoptees, birth family, and adoptive family.) Our goal is to uphold the highest moral standards by considering the wishes of all involved.
Research Services - Laurence Harris Family History & Genealogy Research Services
Specialising in Jewish research in London and England.
Obtains civil registration certificates for England & Wales.
Genealogy research for southern Wisconsin.
Professional research of archived newspapers & assesors records on microfilm in So.California.
Researching Relatives Genealogy Services
Professional genealogical research specializing in Sheffield, Yorkshire. Also covering Lincolnshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.
Researching the Lives and Service Records of WW1 Soldiers
A professional research service into the lives and records of soldiers who served in the British or Indian Army during the First World War. With helpful guides to enable you to conduct your own research.
Researching with Sylvia, the Geniebug
An Accredited Genealogist specializing in Midwestern States and Great Plains States.
Researching WW2 Soldiers - Guides and Research Service
A professional research service into soldiers who served in the British or Indian Army during the Second World War. Also, helpful guides into conducting your own research into a soldier.
Researching your Family History? - Linking Nations
Based in Salt Lake City, specializing in US records.
Specialising in all aspects of genealogy & family tree research in Wales.
Lookup service from books, maps, CDROMs.
reveal 12 Tips for Amateur Genealogy Researchers - fiverr
Tips for a $5 fee. Most of the genealogical records held in the United States have not yet been computerized. These records are still stored on shelves and in vaults of local and state collections. How do you find these sources? One way is to visit in person. Another method is to employ a professional genealogical researcher. Fortunately there is a better way to conduct your research.
Christine Lamar, based in Providence, Rhode Island. Former librarian of the RI Historical Society, 30+ years of experience. Email problem for quote.
Rich Roots Genealogy is operated by Rich Venezia, a professional genealogist located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the research team of Genealogy Roadshow (PBS). He specializes in twentieth-century immigrant ancestry, and conducts on-site research for clients with Italian and Irish ancestry. He also researches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York City, and assists clients with dual citizenship applications for Ireland and Italy. He holds a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - R
88 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers