R.R.R. - Research - Retouching - Reunions
Professional, affordable and friendly Australian genealogical research, photograph retouching and reunion organisation arranged to suit your individual needs.
Research services in Hungary.
Ramsbottom Genealogical Services
British and Irish research.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
The volunteers of this movement are agreeing once per month to either videotape cemeteries, etc., or to visit county courthouses in the county (or area of a country) they live. The cost to you would be reimbursement of costs incurred in granting your request (video tape, copy fees, etc.).
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness Wiki
This wiki is an effort to reconstruct and revive the Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness site that was created by Bridgett Schneider and which became dormant with her death in the fall of 2011. Hopefully, the previous volunteers will find the site and supply contact information so that the wiki volunteer pages can be as robust as they once were.
Rasch Research - Genealogy Research in Wisconsin
Services in Waukesha and Milwaukee Counties, Wisconsin.
Located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Record Click is a leader in providing a complete offering of genealogy services. Their specialists in genetic genealogy will help you trace family history through DNA genealogy testing and analysis.
Genealogy research for a fee.
Records Ireland - Family history research, Genealogist in Ireland, Irish Family Research
Hilda McGauley, M.Sc. based in Dublin.
RECORDS.ORG -- American Records Research Services
San Francisco, California.
Red Bird Genealogy Services | Elizabeth Williams Gomoll, Certified Genealogist
Research and other genealogy services offered by professional genealogist, Elizabeth Williams Gomoll, based in St. Paul/Minneapolis. Offering a full range of genealogy services: ancestor hunting, finding place of origin, client-assisted research, writing, editing, presentations, Minnesota record look-ups. Primary geographic focus is Upper Midwest and Sweden.
Military records at NARA is St. Louis.
Professional genealogy research services offered at very reasonable prices by certified genealogist: counseling and custom packages available.
Professional genealogical research in Alabama by Kay Bains and Warren Riddle.
Experienced Genealogist for Professional Research, based in the North West, specialising in Cheshire and Greater Manchester but covering all areas of the United Kingdom.
Genealogy Researcher available in Gloucestershire England or for UK travel and online record search.
Jamie Muddiman Fraser, a genealogy researcher and heritage site consultant currently based in Gloucestershire, England.
Professional Scottish genealogist Andrew Armstrong specialises in researching beyond Scotlandspeople in the south of Scotland. Happy to research full family trees or try to solve your particular family history problem.
Relatively Speaking (Facebook)
Traditional and genetic genealogy services. Located in Southern Aroostook County, Maine.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - R
88 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers