Genealogist, writer, lecturer.
Masons Family History and Genealogy
A family history research service based in Yorkshire England.
Mass Researchers focuses on the education, documentation, and preservation of our lives for future generations. Certified as a Guided AutoBiography Consultant (GAB) and a Legacy Planner.
Massachusetts and New York Genealogy and History Research
Specializing in Capital District area; German, Dutch, Irish research. Worcester County, Massachusetts, greater Boston area and some New York. Specialist in searching church records
London, England.
Mayday Genealogy is based in London, England and provides an affordable family history and genealogy research service that is tailored to the individual needs of the client. We welcome enquiries from anyone who is a beginner in family history and is seeking assistance in the quest for his or her ancestors. In addition we are keen to provide a service to those who cannot spare the time to research their own ancestry. We are also set up to assist the experienced researcher or genealogist who perhaps finds it inconvenient or impossible to visit The National Archives and the other libraries in London themselves.
McCally & Sheradin :: Historical Research and Consulting
Based in Rochester, New York.
McNicholl Genealogical Services
Professional genealogical and family history research in Scotland.
McNicholl Genealogical Services - Professional Scottish Family History Research
Research services: Scottish, Texas, Census, Computer-Related Genealogy.
Melick Professional Genealogists
Professional genealogists providing genealogy research services and family tree charts. Located in Denver, Colorado.
MelNel Genealogy provides comprehensive packages and a la carte offerings for personalized genealogy research and heritage travel planning services. Our goal is to inspire your passion for uncovering your past so that you can build a positive family legacy for the future. Whether you’re interested in researching a single family line, following the path of a family member, or focusing on a specific country, we’re here to help. MelNel Genealogy is a veteran-owned, woman-led, US-based small business.
Fiona Brooker and Lauren Bavin from New Zealand, research assistance and digital scrapbooking for family history. Including books and forms (research and DNA).
Assisting people with research and a family tree and a printed booklet of their family history.
Public record research of older and current marriage, divorce, property records, etc, census, mainly in Southeast of USA.
Michael Hait Professional Genealogist Family History Research
Professional genealogist with over ten years of experience. Lives in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area, and can conduct on-site research in Washington, suburban Maryland and northern Virginia facilities.
Specialty genealogical research in Munich and Bavaria, transcriptions, translations.
Seattle-based genealogist Michelle Chiachiere is a researcher, puzzle-solver, writer, and a thoughtful guide for her clients’ genealogical journeys.
Michigan Ancestry Tracer Genealogy Services
Michigan. A moderate fee based genealogy service. Focus is Detroit (Wayne), Oakland and St. Clair Counties.
'Michigan History Lectures' is a resource center for finding qualified speakers and or visual presentations about Michigan's history and early American history. An ideal resource for programs directors of Libraries, Historical and Genealogical Societies, Museums, Schools, Colleges and groups such as the Institute for Learning in Retirement.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - M
94 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers