Kindred Hearts for UK Family History & Genealogy
Kindred Hearts are experts in research for England and Wales and can trace your ancestors, descendants or lost relatives through many generations.
Parkhill, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Genealogical Research: Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia.
Kinfolk's Korner Genealogy Services
Genealogy Services offered by Kinfolks Korner by Joyce C. Wicks, CGRS,(sm) in Champaign, Illinois and nearby counties. Champaign County is located in East Central Illinois. Services include research, organizing existing research, publishing unpublished documented genealogy records and other related services.
Kingston Genealogy - Finding People from the Past
Based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Kingston Genealogy offers over 30 years of professional genealogy research in Ontario and across the rest of Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. We offer reasonable hourly rates as well as package rates. Clients receive full, written reports of results. If desired, your family history can be written in a Book Format which not only includes your family information but information about the times in which they lived. KingstonGenealogy also provides Photographic Services and Probate Research.
A Scottish genealogical service by Gordon Johnson. Site includes new personal name indices to old Scottish source works, with new indices being added at intervals. Gordon's extensive research library can help with early records mostly not online, but can help with all kinds of problem - ask him!
KinQuery.Com - Genealogy Research Services
After almost thirty years of research I have cultivated an extensive research library and resources. I have an extensive background in the particular areas of emigration due to the Irish Famine, as well as the early settlement of French Canada. I also have a Certificate in Genealogical Studies from the Society of Australian Genealogists. Located in Melbourne, Australia.
Riley and Pottawatomie County, Kansas record retrieval; genealogy research and consulting; family history writing and editing. The KinSeeker genealogy blog.
KinSource - Minnesota History and Genealogy
KinSource provides resources that specialize in Minnesota history and genealogy: 1910 Federal Census Finding Aids, partial 1885 Minnesota Census, and more.
Kinterest is an innovative family history research service that makes learning about your roots easy, affordable, and enjoyable. We research your ancestry and prepare a user-friendly publication that your whole family will enjoy reading for less than $300.
Professional genealogical research services in Ottawa, Canada.
Affordable genealogy. Purchase only what you need....a la carte.
A UK based research service, specialising in family history, tracing living relatives and probate research.
Kitzmiller Genealogical Services, Inc
Located in Bountiful, Utah. Extensive research experience in the following localities: Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Germany, Austro-Hungarian Empire, United States, especially New England, New York, Pennsylvania, & the South, Canada (British & French).
KKA Genealogy LLC is a professional genealogy service dedicated to providing clients with expert research. They specialize in Chicago, Midwestern USA, female-centric, German-speaking, and Quaker genealogy. They also offer graphic design, illustrated family trees, and translation services.
Know Who Wears the Genes in Your Family
Diane Henriks, the "Descendant Detective, is a Los Angeles County-based professional genealogist, speaker, author, and investigator, specializing in descendancy and brick wall research, unknown parentage cases, and living people search. Researcher-Speaker-Blogger. CA-USA.
The Mission at Knox Trail Ances-Tree is to provide clients with thorough, accurate, properly-sourced research and analysis of historical records, for the preservation of family history. Knox Trail Ances-Tree is a full service genealogical research company based in the Berkshire Hills of Western Massachusetts. The owner and primary researcher, Brent Chadwick, has 20 years of research experience in vital records retrieval, probate records and land transactions, in all of the New England states, as well as Eastern New York.
Koellner Researching Family History
Manfred Koellner (BA), historian and professional genealogist in Westphalia and Lippe, Germany. Researching family history in German archives.
Ku'auhau 'O Hawai'i Foundation
Ku'auhau 'O Hawai'i will use its resources and experiences to teach and assist those of Hawaiian descent to find and recognize their ancestors.
Kylie's Genes Research Services
I am a family history researcher located in Adelaide, South Australia. I do specific research inquiries as well as six generation online family trees. My focus has been on Australia and the UK however I do take on other research projects.
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Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers