Genealogie, Familienforschung, Ahnenforschung, Ahnen in der Schweiz / Genealogy in Switzerland
Research in Switzerland, emigrant's research, family coat of arms and personal stories. Descent lines of famous Swiss personalities.
Tatiana YVON, professional French genealogist. I can do family history and genealogical researches in France, and help you to complete your genealogy or establish for you your French lineage. I specialize in Western France, which includes for example the Perche, Normandy and Brittany regions. Don't hesitate to contact me for a free quotation of your research, or simply for a free advice on your research in the French records.
ģenealoģija.lv - Latvia genealogy services
(Courland, Semigallia, Livonia, Latgallia) in Riga, Latvia (15 min from archive)
Genealogisch Onderzoeksbureau Cromberge
A professional genealogical researcher in The Hague, South Holland, The Netherlands. Genealogical research in The Netherlands and the Dutch former colonies.
Genealogische Dienstleistungen Yvonne Hausheer
Genealogical research / research plans / translation / transcription related to / in Switzerland. Located in Zurich, Switzerland.
Organisation représentative des généalogistes en France
Genealogists.com is helping people connect to their past through our dream team of over 860 professional genealogists, geneticists, historians, analysts, and university professors/scholars. We work on site in more than 1,500 locations and archives all over the world.
Genealogy - Family Research in Schleswig-Holstein
I mainly do research in Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg-Altona. Per request, I also research in the neighbouring Sonderjylland/Denmark, Mecklenburg and Niedersachsen: in church archives, city and county archives. I am familar with all church and city archives in Schleswig-Holstein and Aabenraa, Denmark.
A variety of articles, records, indices and photographs available at 'micro payment' prices. Users can submit material for sale too.
Genealogy -So you want to grow a Family Tree
Research in Lincolnshire.
Genealogy & Family History Research Online Travel & Accommodation for UK Britain & Ireland
Unique UK online travel service specialising in genealogy and family research, providing custom travel itineraries and accommodation within Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) & Ireland.
Professional research services.
Over 25 years of experience & research at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City Utah.
Genealogy and Historical Research Plus! Jamaica
A professional genealogical and historical research firm located exclusively in Jamaica, which has access to the archaic documents housed at the Registrar General Department of Jamaica , the Jamaica Archives, Roman Catholic Archives and The National Library of Jamaica.
Genealogy and Newspaper Searches
Obituary newspaper searches (small fee), in SF Chronicle, San Jose Mercury News, LA Times, and the Sacramento Bee. Free genealogy blog written by a descendant of Welsh miners who became pioneers in California's gold fields. The writer is also a descendant of Mary Allerton (a Mayflower Pilgrim) and of Thomas Cushman, who was an elder of the Plymouth Church, as well as of Sylvanus Brown of the Green Mountain Boys.
I offer genealogical research services in order to help you find your ancestors in Austria and the countries of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. My services include online and on-site research, transcription and translation. As a special service, I can also offer guided research and a private genealogical tour of the places where your ancestors used to live.
Genealogy service.
Professional research service for the Rhineland and Ruhrgebiet, Germany area.
Genealogy research, record look ups, and much more.
Over 15 year experience in Canadian and British lineage.
Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services » Professionals A–Z » Professionals - G
218 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers