Elmira Prison Camp (Civil War) History
History of the Elmira Prison Camp (Civil War) and burials of those who died there.
FamilySearch - United States Records of Confederate Prisoners of War, 1861-1865
Images of 429 volumes of Confederate Prisoners of War records, most of which are from the War Department's Office of the Commissary General of Prisoners. Others are from the Surgeon General's Office, a few Army commands and individual prison camps. The collection consists mainly of lists and registers and is part of RG 109, War Department Collection of Confederate Records. This is NARA publication M598.
FamilySearch Catalog - Lists of Confederates captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4, 1863 FREE
Digitized copies from National Archives microfilm publications; M2072.
Microfilm of manuscripts housed at the Louisiana National Guard, Jackson Barracks, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Images of records from the United States Provost Marshal during the Civil War. The Provost Marshal served as military police for the Union army. Records in this collection would deal with deserters, Confederate spies, civilains suspected of disloyality, civilians passage through military zones, etc. This is National Archive publication M416.
Delaware City, Delaware.
Friends of the Florence Stockade
Florence, South Carolina.
Galvinized Tars: Confederate Prisoners of War Who Enlisted in the Union Navy
Information on the many Confederate Prisoners of War who enlisted in the Union Navy. Includes a listing of a small number of these personnel.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Gratiot Street Prison, a Union Civil War prison in St. Louis, Missouri.
Inside a Civil War Prison Camp: Sketches from Point Lookout | New-York Historical Society
Union prison camp at Point Lookout, Maryland.
Richmond, Virginia. Names of soldiers who escaped, died or were admitted to the prison, both Union and Confederate.
MA Ryan, Co B 14th Miss Vol Inf CSA
Experience of a Confederate Soldier in Camp and Prison in The Civil War 1861-1865.
Prisoner Lookup by Company and Regiment
Online searchable database.
Online searchable database.
Prisons, Prisoners & Outlaws » U.S. Civil War Prisons & Prisoners
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