1847, Grosse Île: A Record of Daily Events (Amazon.com)
A book by Andre Charbonneau.
A Register of Deceased Persons at Sea and on Grosse
A book by Andre Charbonneau.
Annals of the Port of Quebec 1535-1900
From a document published in 1901 and contains various points of interest about the port of Quebec.
A book by Carraig Books.
Grosse Île and the Irish Memorial National Historic Site
From Parks Canada.
Immigrants at Grosse Île Quarantine Station, 1832-1937
The database contains 33,036 references to immigrants who stayed, were born, married or buried at the Grosse Île Quarantine Station between 1832 and 1937.
Navires venus en Nouvelle-France des origines
Ship lists in New France from origins to 1699, crew and passenger lists with short biographies.
NFHS Passenger Lists Indexing Project
From the Nanaimo Family History Society. This project's aim is to index arrivals at Halifax and Quebec (Montreal is included in the Port of Quebec) from 1900 to about 1921 when the passenger lists were discontinued. Currently the project is indexing Quebec arrivals from 1908 onwards.
Ports of Entry » Quebec, Canada
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