Oklahoma Brand Book, second supplement, January 1951
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, seventh supplement, April 1952
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, sixteenth supplement, July 1954
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, sixth supplement, January 1952
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, tenth supplement, January 1953
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, third supplement, April 1951
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, thirteenth supplement, October 1953
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Oklahoma Brand Book, twelfth supplement, July 1953
From the Oklahoma Digital Prairie, Oklahoma Department of Libraries.
Queensland Family History Society: QFHS searchable datasets
Queensland Horse and Cattle Brands 1872-1899, Queensland Sheep Brands 1877-1900, Queensland Brands Directory 1949-1952.
The Advancing Genealogist - V Bar Lazy 5
An article by Debbie Mieszala about researching a livestock brand in Montana records.
Pets and Livestock » Livestock Brands and Marks
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