Library and Archives Canada / Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Between 1869 and the early 1930s, over 100,000 children were sent to Canada from Great Britain during the child emigration movement. Members of the British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa are locating and indexing the names of these Home Children found in passenger lists in the custody of the Library and Archives Canada.
List of Girls in Miss Rye's Peckham Homes 1881
Search for ancestors in a list of orphaned and impoverished Home Children.
Nation Builders: Barnardo Children in Canada
A book by Gail H. Corbett.
Neither Waif Nor Stray: The Search For A Stolen Identity
A book by Perry Snow.
Originally Orphan Homes of Scotland located at Bridge of Weir, Renfrewshire.
For assistance in tracking relatives cared for by Quarriers in the past, including those who went to Canada.
The museum resides in three canal-side warehouses in Copperfield Road, East London. These buildings were previously used by Dr Barnardo to house the largest ragged school in London.
Records Relating to Child Migrants
From the Archives Office of Tasmania.
The Little Immigrants: The Orphans Who Came to Canada
A book by Kenneth Bagnell.
William Quarrier Home Children Association
An association of Scottish home children and their families.
Orphans » Home Children & Child Migrants
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