Customized heirloom crockery for sale.
STRAYS Mailing List (Archived on RootsWeb)
For anyone who want to share the strays they have accumulated during their research efforts anywhere.
How to use the Freedom of Information Act to obtain various records from each of the states.
The Art of Family: Genealogical Artifacts in New England
A book by D. Brenton Simons.
An e-book by Doug Bremner, for sale on Amazon.com. For millions of Americans, the quest to find one
Using the Semantic Web for Genealogy
Several tools to add genealogy data to the Semantic Web.
Victorian Era Calling Cards Genealogical Database
This database is composed of data from Victorian Era calling cards. These cards come from all over the United States & date from 1850-1910 with most of them undated. Calling cards were used in polite society for a call and visitations to someone.
Who Says We Are Not Relatives?
From Ancestry Victoria.
Many immigrants to America played the beautiful zither. If you ancestor played the zither, we'd like to include their biography at our website, a website dedicated to the zither and zither players in America.
Odds & Ends » This & That
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