Friesche Naamlijst (Frisian Name List)
A free, downloadable 447-page book of the meaning of Frisian names, both first names and surnames. Written in Dutch, but easily translated when you type the text into Google translate (http://translate.google.com).
Genealogy research: Dutch Names, Frisian Names with English Translations
A list of Dutch/Frisian given names and their English translations from USGenWeb.
GenealogyMagazine.com - Some English Surnames Reveal Ancestral Residence
James Pylant's article about surnames deriving from localities in England, including shires, villages, manors and estates.
GENUKI: UK and Ireland Names, Personal
Links to various resources within and outside of GENUKI.
GermanNames - Shareware for German Genealogy
Surname maps of modern Germany based on telephone directories.
Hugh Wallis's Genealogical Web Sites
Includes a listing of names found in the IGI organized by middle names for selected English counties.
Some leading prefixes and affixes employed in the formation of Irish proper names, e.g. Beag, Mac, Og, Muintir, etc. etc.
A scholarly work on Irish names by the Rev. Patrick Woulfe, first published in1921. The book includes more than 3,500 surname entries that provide the origin and meaning of each name, as well as its English equivalents.
Le LAFRANCE - Baptêmes, Mariages et Décès du Québec
Includes several tools regarding French names: Dictionnaire des noms du LAFRANCE (Dictionary of LAFRANCE names), Dictionnaire des prénoms du LAFRANCE (LAFRANCE first name dictionary), Associations nom-surnom du LAFRANCE (LAFRANCE name-nickname associations).
A forum about German surnames and onimastics (in German only).
Naming Children in Early New England on JSTOR
Scholarly work on the naming patterns used by early Puritans.
Nederlandse Familienamenbank / Dutch Family Bank
The Dutch Family Bank provides information on the surnames in the Netherlands.
Article about the Nederlandse Familienamenbank (Dutch Family Names Bank). By Tamura Jones, Modern Software Experience.
Names » Locality & Ethnic Specific
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