Index to the Admission Books of the Geelong Infirmary and Benevolent Asylum
Victoria, Australia. Online index from 1861 to 1923 containing 12,538 entries.
Index to the Admission Books of the Geelong Infirmary and Benevolent Asylum
Victoria. Online index from 1861 to 1923 containing 12,538 entries.
Institutional Cemeteries (Facebook)
Remembering asylum, poor farm, and other institutional cemeteries.
Jeff Knaggs - Genealogy - 1901 Institutions
Index to Institutions in the 1901 census of England & Wales.
JewishGen - Central Islip State Hospital
Opened in 1889 as the New York City Farm for the Insane, Central Islip State Hospital (CISH) became the largest psychiatric institution in New York State and perhaps the world. The 1925 New York State census represents the hospital during a peak period.
JewishGen - Jewish Consumptive Relief Society, Denver, Colorado, 1904-1940
The Jewish Consumptive Relief Society (JCRS) was founded in Denver, Colorado in 1904 as a non-sectarian sanatorium to treat tuberculosis (TB) patients in all stages of the disease. The society was founded by a group of immigrant Eastern European Jewish men, many of whom were themselves victims of TB.
Lothian Health Services Archive
Repository for the archival records of hospitals in the Edinburgh and Lothians area of Scotland. Records of both an administrative nature and those relating to patient care are held from 1727.
Medicine in Maryland, 1752-1920
An electronic archive from the Maryland State Archives.
Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Hospital Records
The Washington State Historical Society's Research Center has posted 11,000 hospital records from the Northern Pacific Beneficial Association Northern Pacific Hospital Records, Tacoma, Washington, 1905-1930.
Old Scottish Genealogy & Family History - General Register of Lunatics in Asylum
Index of the first 15 volumes of the General Register of Lunatics in Asylum.
An index to The Royal Women's Hospital (Victoria, Australia) digitised Midwifery Book No. 1 (1856-1876). This index is a finding aid for original hospital birth records, many of which were not registered.
Queensland Public Curator Insanity Files
Names from a genealogical index to insanity files (mental asylum patients in Queensland, Australia).
Queensland State Archives | Schools, hospitals and orphanages
Brisbane Hospital admission registers 1872-1887; Brisbane Hospital registers of deaths 1899-1913; Brisbane Hospital registers of deaths 1933-1942; Consumptive patients 1897-1902; Mackay Hospital admissions 1891-1908.
Information on asylums, almshouses, prisons, hospitals, orphanages, workhouses & the Poor Law.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
Seattle General Hospital records (Washington State Historical Society)
The Seattle General Hospital records cover the years, 1906-1980, and are divided into seven record series: Minutes, Record Books, Property records, Reports, Publicity, Women’s Auxiliary, and Miscellaneous Items.
Medical & Medicine » Hospitals, Asylums & Sanatoriums
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