GénéaGier - Les Généalogistes de la Vallée du Gier / Genealogists of the Gier Valley
Relevés - Actes état Civil, Actes notariés, Livre d'or 1914-1918.
Genealogical Society of Finland HisKi project
A searchable database of births, marriages, burials and moves for many Finnish parishes.
Ce site à pour but de mettre en ligne les relevés systématiques effectués par des benevoles issus des registres d’État Civil du Lot.
Geneanum.com La Généalogie à l'ère du Numérique
Records of baptisms, marriages, burials, notaries France, Malta, Sicily, and Tunisia as well as acts of naturalization.
Het Utrechts Archief - Personen
Births, marriages, deaths archive, Utrecht provence, Netherlands.
IdentityNumber.org - South African Marriage Records $
Paying visitors can search thousands of older South African marriage records online.
Indeksowane parafie / Indexed Parishes
Site is in Polish. More than 70 parish church books from the "DobrinerLand" area of Poland (central Poland) are indexed for marriages, births & deaths. From the 1700s to the late 1800s. This area had many ethnic Germans as well as Polish.
Inventaris van de Burgerlijke Stand Suriname
Scans of civil registration birth, marriage, and death records of Suriname, 1828-1960.
Istanbul Jewish Genealogy Project
The Istanbul Jewish community holds close to 100 thousand records of genealogical insterest, including more than 35 thousand marriage records (Chief Rabbinate 1887-, Ashkenazi Community 1923-, Italian Congregation 1870s-) and 30 thousand burial records (Hemdat Israel 1899-, Italian burial list 1918-, Italian Şişli Cemetery 1800s-, Kuzguncuk Cemetery 1913-, Ortak
This fee based site includes hundreds of thousands of Jewish tombstone images from various cities and countries. The site also has the largest online collection of Jewish life cycle notices, such as births, weddings, and obituaries.
On 26 March 2014 the Staatsarchiv of Canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden has installed on the internet the entire existing Cantonal Church Book collection
Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen - Hessian Vital Records
Digitized birth, marriage and death records from Hesse, Germany. Search by town name.
Les archives de l'État en Belgique - La recherche aux Archives de l'État
Baptism, marriage, marriage banns and death records prior to 1796.
List of Luxembourg marriages for most town/communes (1803-1890).
Westchester County, New York.
From the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Includes contact information and hours of operation.
Church registers (mostly books of birth, marriage and death) from various European countries (currently Austria, Germany, Poland and Serbia).
A database of 45,000 French marriages in which one of the a people is a migrant (married in another department or country other than that of their birth).
MyHeritage - Austria, Upper Austria, Catholic Church Records, 1581-1910 $
Images and indexes of Roman Catholic church records from the Austrian state of Upper Austria (Oberösterreich). Includes baptisms, marriages, deaths, and indexes. Original church records are located in the Oberösterreichischen Landesarchiv, Linz, Austria.
Marriages & Divorce » Locality Specific: Miscellaneous
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