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- Genealogy Bookstore - Jewish
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.
A checklist of registers of Protestant & Jewish congregations in Quebec
A book by Neil Broadhurst.
A Dictionary of Jewish Names and Their History
A book by Benzion C. Kaganoff.
A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland
A book by Alexander Beider.
A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire
A book by Alexander Beider.
A Guide to Jewish Genealogical Research in Israel
A book by Sallyann Admur Sack.
A Student's Guide to Jewish American Genealogy
A book for sale.
An Echo in My Blood: The Search for a Family's Hidden Past
A book by Alan Weisman.
Annihilation of Lithuanian Jewry
A book by Oshry Efroim.
Better Than Gold: An Immigrant Family's First Years in Brooklyn
A book by Fannie Silver.
Carved Memories: Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish Pale
A book by David Noevich Goberman.
Chronicle of the Old Testament Kings: The Reign-By-Reign Record of the Rulers of Ancient Israel
A book by J.W. Rogerson.
Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames
A book by Lars Menk.
DPs: Europe's Displaced Persons, 1945-1951
A book by Mark Wyman.
FAQ : Frequently Asked Questions About Jewish Genealogy
A book by Warren Blatt.
Finding Our Fathers: A Guidebook to Jewish Genealogy
A book by Dan Rottenberg.
Finding Your Jewish Roots in Galicia : A Resource Guide
A book by Suzan F. Wynne.
From a Ruined Garden: The Memorial Books of Polish Jewry
A book by Jack Kugelmass.
From Generation to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy and Family History
A book by Arthur Kurzweil.
Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy
A book by Gary Mokotoff.
History of the Jews in New Mexico
A book by Henry J. Tobias.
How to Trace Your Jewish Roots: Discovering Your Unique History
A book by Rabbie Jo David.
How We Lived: A Documentary History of Immigrant Jews in America, 1880-1930
A book by Irving Howe.
Hungering for America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration
A book by Hasia R. Diner.
Inside Looking Out: The Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum, 1868-1924
A book by Gary Edward Polster.
Jacob's Children in the Land of the Mahdi: Jews of the Sudan
A book by Eli S. Malka.
A book by Dorothy Hoobler.
Jewish Americans: The Immigrant Experience
A book by Hasia R. Diner.
Jewish Family Names and Their Origins : An Etymological Dictionary
A book by Heinrich W. & Eva H. Guggenheimer.
A book by David C. Gross.
Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939
A book by Daniel Soyer.
Jewish Museums of North America: A Guide to Collections, Artifacts, and Memorabilia
A book by Nancy Frazier.
Jewish Roots in Poland: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories
A book by Miriam Weiner.
Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova: Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories
A book by Miriam Weiner.
Jewish Surnames in Prague : (15th-18th Centuries)
A book by Alexander Beider.
Ketubbah: Jewish Marriage Contracts of the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum and Klau Library
A book by the Hebrew Union College Skirball Museum.
Ketubbot: Marriage Contracts from the Jewish Museum
A book by the Jewish Museum.
Library Resources for German-Jewish Genealogy
A book by Angelika G. Ellmann-Kruger & Edward David Luft.
Memorial Volumes to Jewish Communities Destroyed in the Holocaust
A book by Ilana Tahan.
Mordecai: An Early American Family
A book by Emily Bingham.
My Generations, a Course in Jewish Family History
A book by Arthur Kurzwell.
Naturalized Jews of the Grand Duchy of Posen in 1834 and 1835
A book by Edward D. Luft.
Poyln: Jewish Life in the Old Country
A book by Alter Kacyzne.
Resources for Jewish Genealogy in the Boston Area
A book by Warren Blatt.
Roots Schmoots: Journeys Among Jews
A book by Howard Jacobson.
Scattered Seeds: A Guide to Jewish Genealogy
A book by Mona Freedman Morris.
Schmelvis: In Search of Elvis Presley's Jewish Roots
A book by Jonathan Goldstein.
Sephardic Genealogy: Discovering Your Sephardic Ancestors and Their World
A book by Jeffrey S. Malka.
Some Archival Sources for Ukrainian Jewish Genealogy
A book by Aleksander Kronik.
Sourcebook for Jewish Genealogies and Family Histories
A book by David S. Zubatsky & Irwin M. Berent.
Sources in the United States and Canada (The Encyclopedia of Jewish Genealogy, Vol 1)
A book by Miriam Weiner.
Special Sorrows: The Diasporic Imagination of Irish, Polish, and Jewish Immigrants in the United States
A book by Matthew Frye Jacobson.
The Golden Land: The Story of Jewish Immigration to America: An Interactive History With Removable Documents and Artifacts
A book by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin.
The Jews in Early America: A Chronicle of Good Taste and Good Deeds
A book by Sandra Cumings Malamed.
The Jews of Moscow, Kiev and Minsk: Identity, Antisemitism, Emigration
A book by Rozalina Ryvkina.
The Luckiest Orphans: A History of the Hebrew Orphan Asylum of New York
A book by Hyman Bogen.
The Penguin Atlas of Diasporas
A book by Gerard Chaliand.
Translation Guide to Nineteenth Century Polish Language Civil Registration Documents (Birth, Marriage & Death Records)
A book by the Jewish Genealogical Society.
Western Jewish History Center: Guide to Archival and Oral History Collections
A book by the Western Jewish History Center.
A book by Gerard Silvain.
Products and information for Jewish genealogy.
Between Galicia and Hungary: The Jews of Stropkov
Melody Amsel, an American-born Israeli amateur genealogist, has created a beautifully written yizkor (Holocaust memorial) book about the Jews of Stropkov, Slovak Republic. Many Jewish genealogists have memorialized members of their family murdered in the Holocaust. Ms. Amsel went a step further and not only memorialized the Amsels of Stropkov, but all the Jews of Stropkov. The book has some unusual features for a yizkor book. It is written in two languages: Hebrew and English, each a mirror of the other. It does not have a necrology--a list of those who were killed. Instead, it lists all the Jews of Stropkov (and neighboring communities), identifying the survivors in bold face.
Waterbury, Connecticut. Rare, used and out of print books including Jewish, genealogy, town histories, and more.
DoroTree - Jewish Genealogy Software
A multi-language software program for Jewish genealogy with user interfaces in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Hebrew. The only software on the market that enables the user to enter information in both Latin and Hebrew (Yiddish) characters, without a need for Hebrew Windows. Automatic name conversion from English to Hebrew/Yiddish, advanced Hebrew calendar, Bar/Bat Mitsva calculator, built-in links to Jewish genealogy sites, printing trees in both Latin and Hebrew characters etc.
The online store of Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. & Clearfield Company.
Generations Press Books & Maps
Books on Jewish genealogy, Southern California research, passenger ships, foreign dictionaries.
Getting Started in Jewish Genealogy: 2010 Version
A book by Gary Mokotoff.
I’ve Got Levys in my Genes (
This guide provides answers about Jewish Genealogy with processes and examples for Jewish researchers and non-Jews finding Jewish branches in their trees.
Jewish Cemetery Publications, LLC
Offers a list of publications on Jewish Cemeteries including A Field Guide to Visiting a Jewish Cemetery.
The goal of this newsletter is to draw attention to interesting articles that I
Jewish Lives: Britain 1750-1950
A book for sale from Pen and Sword Books. Jewish Lives: Britain 1750-1950, features the life-stories of ten individual Jews [inc. HAUSER, DA COSTA, MYERS, MENDZIGURSKY, DONN, GLAZER, BEDEROV, WOOLF, PELIKAN, WOLFSOHN, and more] who immigrated to Britain from various points across Europe between 1750 and 1950--based on actual genealogical research. Their tales, enriched by a variety of sources, reflect the experiences of all Jewish immigrants as they settled in their adopted land.
Jewish Roots in Poland - Pages from the Past and Archival Inventories
A new book by Miriam Weiner.
Jewish Roots in Ukraine and Moldova
Book for sale from Routes to Roots.
Book for sale outlines the history of European Jews from the First Crusade through the 20th century, focusing the PASCH & OPPENHEIM families.
Pen and Sword Books - Jewish Lives: Britain 1750-1950
Book for sale. Jewish Lives presents the life-stories of ten individual Jews who immigrated to Britain between 1750 and 1950, based on actual genealogical research. Their life-stories, enriched by a variety of sources, reflect the experiences of all Jewish immigrants as they settled in their adopted land. This selection of revealing life-stores will prove fascinating for family historians and researchers, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, by offering parallels with their own lives and the lives of their ancestors.
Original Hebrew gift ideas, individually designed, such as framed family tree pictures, and collages. Shorashim works with a team of talented artists and graphic designers to ensure a beautiful personalized and emotional gift. Located in Israel.
The Jewish Community of Cape Ann: An Oral History
A book for sale by Sarah V. Dunlap, about a Massachusetts Jewish community.
The Road From Letichev - The History and Culture of a Forgotten Jewish Community in Eastern Europe
A book by David A. Chapin and Ben Weinstock. The two-volume set celebrates 500 years of Jewish history and culture in a forgotten corner of Eastern Europe. It is a sweeping saga about a unique Russian Jewish community, destroyed and almost forgotten-- now faithfully brought to life in vibrant words and images. Richly illustrated, it contains over 400 photographs. A valuable resource to genealogists, the book lists more than 8,300 different individuals with over 600 different unique surnames from more than two dozen different towns in Ukraine.