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- - Jewish Family History Collection
Partnered with JewishGen, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the American Jewish Historical Society, the Miriam Weiner Routes to Roots Foundation, Inc., the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the USC Shoah Foundation, and Arolsen Archives to create a collection of over 20 million Jewish historical records.
- - Search Census & Voter Lists Records has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Belarus and Lithuania: Census & Family Lists from Various Districts, 1795-1900
Original source: Original records located in various archives. Specific source information is provided with each record.
Hungary: All Citizen Census, 1869
Original source: Magyar Statisztikai Hivatal. N
Hungary: Assorted Census Records, 1781-1850
Original source: Various Hungarian censuses. Magyar Orsz
Hungary: Jewish Names in Property Tax Census, 1828
Original source: Hungarian Government. Vagyon
Poland: Będzin Jewish Census, 1939
Original source: Alphabetical list of Jewish population of Be;dzin. Warsaw, Poland: Jewish Historical Institute Archives.
JewishGen - Central Islip State Hospital
Opened in 1889 as the New York City Farm for the Insane, Central Islip State Hospital (CISH) became the largest psychiatric institution in New York State and perhaps the world. The 1925 New York State census represents the hospital during a peak period.