Legacy Quest Genealogy specializes in Mid-Atlantic states, Spain, Italy, and Latin America, including Mexico, Central and South America, and the Spanish Caribbean, particularly Cuba.
Italian genealogy and Italian dual citizenship research services from Melanie D. Holtz.
Mag. Lampreht Professional Researcher
Researching your family tree and writing family chronicle. Making quality family trees, historical research, researchs for law process in Slovenia, Austria, Croatia and Nord Italy.
Margaret R. Fortier, Certified Genealogist (R)
Researching your family, relating their stories, revealing your legacy. Immigration to New England, particularly Italian, Portuguese, and French-Canadian ancestors. Assistance in preparing documentation for dual citizenship with Italy.
Professional on-site genealogy research, search for living family members, document procurement, and custom heritage travel planning in southern Italy (Campania, Basilicata and Puglia)
Researching your family history, going back several generations, can be very complicated in Italy. The do-it-yourself approach through the web is almost impossible, because most of the documents are not available online and have to be traced and analysed consulting them in person, directly at the Italian parish and municipal archives. Our consultants will help you trace our roots, providing you with all feasible details and with copies of the recovered documents.
My Italian Family- Italian Genealogy, Family Tree
Research services for all people who want to explore the genealogy of their Italian families through a network of Italian and North American genealogists.
Origins Italy offers a wide range of services including: onsite genealogical and historical research in Italy; research to determine your Italian ancestral town of origin; document and letter translation from Italian to English and English to Italian; Italian Dual Citizenship consultation and application preparation; Italian-American family history project planning; lectures on Italian and Italian-American family history topics.
Pallante Center for Italian Research
Professional genealogical research for people of Italian heritage. Choose from a full range of services that include obtaining individual documents, building extensive family trees, legal heir searches, and genealogy travel. Located in Queensbury, New York.
Pallante Center for Italian Research: Italian Genealogy
A virtual research center for Italian research (in-person visits available by appointment for those local to upstate New York). A growing collection of Italian related resources, including an archival collection and Italian family surname files. Professional Italian genealogy research services and other historical research relating to Italy or Italian immigrants worldwide, as well as help with dual citizenship (US/Italian), finding educational Italian resources for schools, etc.
Research and Escort in Sicily by Emilio
Professional Italian researcher and tour guide.
Rich Roots Genealogy is operated by Rich Venezia, a professional genealogist located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the research team of Genealogy Roadshow (PBS). He specializes in twentieth-century immigrant ancestry, and conducts on-site research for clients with Italian and Irish ancestry. He also researches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York City, and assists clients with dual citizenship applications for Ireland and Italy. He holds a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University.
Professional genealogists specializing in Italian research. Free quotes available through our website.
I live in Sicily since I was born. This location granted me the possibility to get acquainted with the Land. I'm specialized in finding Italian ancestors and relatives through Sicily. I also researched for the US TV series "Who Do You Think You Are?" Furthermore, I am specialized in genetic genealogy which is fundamental to track unrecorded origins.
Southern Italy Travel - Ancestry Tours & Genealogy Services
Our ancestry services are designed for you and your family history as primary focus. With the help of our expert genealogists, researchers and historians, we uncover the people, places, lives and events that have shaped you.
Specializes in the application of certificates and documents of all kinds (State Civil parish, Notary, military, land, etc.) With headquarters in Verona, Bologna and Naples, Studio Heraldic Broccoli also performs research genealogical and heraldic throughout Italy and Abroad, ensuring the utmost professionalism.
Trentino Genealogy | Family History for Trentini Descendants
Genealogist Lynn Serafinn. Family trees, parish records, family history, research services for English-speakers with ancestors from the province of Trento/Trentino, Italy (formerly part of Tyrol, Austria). Large collection of surname histories, local histories, video podcasts, and more.
Walter Santantonio - North Italy Genealogy and History Services
North Italy researcher tracing family history, relatives research, missing persons research & documents translations.
Italy / Italia » Professionals, Volunteers & Other Research Services
58 Links
Links to professional researchers found on Cyndi's List are included as a courtesy. Unless otherwise stated, the existence of these links on Cyndi's List does not imply endorsement of the services or products provided by those professional researchers. See also: Disclaimers