Finding Your Waldensian Ancestors
Focusing on the Piedmont valleys in Italy.
Provincia di Reggio Calabria. Registri parrocchiali: Battesimi, cresime, matrimoni e defunti. Stato civile: Nati, matrimoni e morti. Indici di protocolli notarili. Province of Reggio Calabria. Parish Records: Baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths. Marital status: Births, marriages and deaths. Indices of notarial protocols.
Genealogia degli abitanti di CESE di Avezzano, L
Sito dedicato agli abitanti di CESE di Avezzano, L
Genealogy.bio - Potenza, Potenza, Italy genealogy
Potenza the city, capital of Potenza province. Thousands of names from my family tree and persons with the same surnames, plus those of connecting lines.
Gente Di Mare Italian Genealogy Website
Dedicated to the People of Reggio Calabria with several extraction pages from Locri, Frosinone and more.
Birth, Marriage, baptism, death records from 1600 to 1930 from the town of Greci, Italy.
Greci, Italy births, marriages, and deaths from 1809 to 1910 with complete database.
Isola delle Femmine - Capaci Connection
For descendants of the families of Isola delle Femmine and Capaci, Sicily who immigrated to the United States beginning about 1890.
Sicilian genealogy research & companion site to the ITA-Sicily Mail List.
Information about Italian regions, provinces, cities, ZIP codes, surnames.
Italian American Program | Heinz History Center
From the Senator John Heinz Pittsburgh Regional History Center. Preserves and interprets the history and culture of people of Italian descent in Western Pennsylvania.
Collection includes: textiles, utensils, tools, sculptures, housewares, and other three-dimensional items; thousands of archival materials in the form of books, photographs, immigration materials, family papers, and records from businesses and fraternal organizations; oral histories from more than 300 first, second, and third generation Italian Americans.
Italian Cities and Towns: Information About Italy
Information and statistics on Italian Regions, Provinces and Municipalities. All Cities, Towns and Villages in Italy. Official site, City Hall email, zip codes, population, useful links.
Searchable database of indexed Antenati records for the comune of Lapio, Avellino, Campania, Italy. The database includes birth, marriage, marriage bann, death and diversi records spanning from the years 1809 to 1945.
La Grande Famille de Procida & Ischia
Its main objective is the preservation of the archives of the islands of Procida and Ischia, located in the bay of Naples, Italy, and also Ponza, Ventotene, Monte di Procida and Capri.
Laurenzana, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy - Italian Genealogical Records
The Laurenzana Genealogical Database and resources is for people who's ancestors came from Laurenzana, Potenza, Basilicata, Italy.
Birth, Marriage, and Death records starting in 1809.
Detailed website about the people coming from Montalto Uffugo in Cosenza Province, Calabria, Italy. Immigration to US, Argentina and more. Passenger records, birth, marriage and death records for the town of Montalto Uffugo. Some of the surnames include NAPOLITANO, GARRAFA, ARTURI, ZINGONE, LO FEUDO, CHIMENTI, DE SETA, AIELLO, NICASTRO, and many more. Not just a personal genealogy site but includes all descendants of Montalto Uffugo. State Civil records are available here.
The goal of this blog is to organize my research into the civil registration records of Montemarano, Avellino, Campania, Italy. I'm working through the alphabet, posting each surname as a separate blog post.
Muro Lucano Genealogical Website
Muro Lucano, Potenza, Basilacata, Italy genealogical research site. Here you will find many interesting facts about Muro Lucano, and links to other sites which may prove useful as you search for information. In addition, there is a database of civil record indexes searchable by surname. There is also a Forum section to share information with others who trace their roots to Muro Lucano.
Italy / Italia » Locality Specific
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