This Old House - restoring a 17th century townhouse in Gloucestershire
Personal research blog by Caroline Gurney.
ThoughtCo. - House Style Guide to the American Home
A guide to identifying house styles ranging from Cape Cod from a variety of different time periods, geographic areas, and ethnic groups.
If you want to discover more about your house history and the people who lived in it this website will guide you through the resources available to you.
Tracing the History of Your House
England. From the Lincolnshire Archives.
Tracing the History of Your House
Isle of Man. From Manx National Heritage.
Tracing the History of Your Property
Suffolk, England.
Clark County Public Library, Springfield, Ohio.
Uncover the history of any New York City building.
Using Written Archives to Discover the History of Your House
From the BBC Television series The House Detectives.
Warszawa & Praga Homeowners' Lists (1852, 1869 and 1870)
Poland. Online searchable database of 9,000 entries from three homeowners' lists for Warszawa (Warsaw) & its suburb of Praga.
Works Project Administration: Historic American Buildings Survey Of New Hampshire
Index of names of people and places from the University of New Hampshire Library.
England. From the Essex Record Office.
House & Building Histories » Locality Specific
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