Descendants N Ancestors
Empty Nest Genealogy | Genealogy and family tree research
Information, tips, hints and advice regarding genealogical search and researching an extensive family tree, software and website reviews and recommendations, and cultures including Acadians, French Canadians, Americans, Welsh, Swedish as well as extensive links to royalty.
Provides information on what records are available for those researching their family history, and where to find them, in Canada, the UK, and the US.
Free Family History resource with step by step guides for finding your ancestors. Find out if you are related to famous individuals, get help with writing your personal history and much, much more.
FamilyTree.com is an online resource for family history research. Research your heritage, culture and surnames. Learn tips and tools for genealogy search. A genealogy blog is also featured on the site. FamilyTree.com is part of the Network Media family of websites.
Free Ancestry 4U|Ancestry Free|Free Ancestry Search
A collection of free easy to understand ancestry resources.
Genealogy Worldwide - Family History Happens Everywhere
Genealogy Worldwide is a meeting place online where we share information that can help researchers anywhere in the world connect with their ancestral roots. We're based in the United States, but as our name implies, we encourage participation from all corners of the globe.
Links to free census records, genealogy related books, atlases, genealogy resources and much more, by state and then by county.
A free online genealogy magazine with articles and how to guides, listing of new genealogy record, desktop wallpaper and the very popular Genealogy This Week column.
Histopolis.com - Collaborative Genealogy and History
Histopolis is a free, collaborative source for genealogy and history information including links to other relevant sites.
Map your Family History and make new connections using our web services, tools and resources to gain new insights. Connect and Map your disparate research on your own unique Intriguing Connections Site. Try our free Intriguing History Service, mapping historically themed resources to enrich your history project.
Genealogy links sorted by US state/county and surname.
A UK-based genealogy group with members in many countries and a group of volunteers who enjoy nothing better than helping others with their family history. The group also has a number of associated sites recording Surnames, War Memorials, Cemeteries and Churches, and more. Now has a Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lost-Ancestors/187405204603109)
Searching for an Ancestor? We can help! Browse our professionally sourced archive to assist you with your genealogy research.
Robin Foster: Genealogy & Social Networking on Pinterest
Find the best genealogy and social networking resources on Pinterest categorized by topic and locality.
Handy Online Starting Points » Genealogy Portals
17 Links