GedcomRenumber New!
GedcomRenumber allows you to renumber the identifiers of people, families, sources and repositories in a GEDCOM file while keeping the links consistent.
GEDexplorer for Android and iOS
GEDexplorer is a browser for genealogy data contained in GEDCOM files. Using GEDexplorer you can keep your family history data with you at all times, in your phone or in your tablet. With GEDexplorer there's no recurring fee, no need to share your data with others and no need to stay connected to the internet.
The GEDCOM Fan Creator. Creates GEDCOM files to test software with.
GEDitCOM Genealogy Software Home Page
Macintosh. GEDitCOM is the customizable genealogy application for Power Macintoshes. It can view and edit GECDCOM files and supports all of GEDCOM's features. GEDitCOM is free as a GEDCOM file browser and shareware to edit files as well.
GEDxlate quickly and easily translates genealogy data from standard GEDCOM format into MS Access dB (*.mdb), MS Excel Worksheet (*.xls), comma delimited (*.csv), and text file (*.txt) formats. Pick a GEDCOM file to translate; select which fields you want to include in your dB, spreadsheet, csv, or txt file; choose an output format and file name to save the translated data in; and you're there! FREE!.
Text2GED quickly and accurately converts genealogy data displayed in a web browser into standard GEDCOM 5.5 file format.
GEDmatch.com - Tools for genealogy research
Designed to find common ancestors based on autosomal DNA FTDNA Family Finder Test or 23&Me Relative Finder test) or family histories (GEDCOMs). Can save hours of emailing possible "matches." Several other interesting options are also available.
GedScape GEDCOM Viewer and Website Publisher for Windows and Mac
GedScape is a Mac and Windows program for viewing, converting, extracting data from and publishing websites from GEDCOM files. It fully supports all aspects of the GEDCOM standard. Generates websites including family charts, descendants charts, photos, notes, citations, narrative reports and photo gallery.
GedSmart is a tool that can compare two GEDCOM-files and find matches based on the applied ruleset. Save time comparing thousands of names in just a few minutes. Find missing ancestors with the ease of just a few clicks. Apply your own rules when searching for matches between GEDCOM-files and share rulesets with others.
GedTreeFree - Apps on Google Play
Graphical viewer for GEDCOM genealogy files (.ged) that allows you to pan tilt and zoom a family tree by dragging and pinching. Choose one individual as the base of the display. A tree of descendants and ancestors will be shown. It features: Drag the view to scroll around; Pinch with two fingers to zoom in or out; Double tap on background to zoom in or out; Single tap on a name to show more info; Double tap on a name to base the tree on that person; Long tap on a name to base the tree on that person; Search for persons by typing (partial) first and/or last name; Keeps a history of shown graphs and searches accessible from the back button; Scales the UI to support large and small devices with varying resolution; Shows marriage dates and divorces in the long-click popup; Configurable number of generations (both descendants and ancestors) shown; Different codecs supported (utf-8, ascii, latin_1, ansel).
Java applet which allows you to browse a GEDCOM file from the web.
Genealogical Data Analysis New!
Genealogical Data Analysis checks your genealogical data, advises you on how to improve the quality of your data, and provides leads for further research.
Genealogy and Family tree on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris. GenealogyJ is a comprehensive application to manage genealogic data (GEDCOM), suitable for hobbyist, family historian and genealogy researcher. It offers family tree, table, timeline views and many more. GenJ is unique not only as it supports the GEDCOM standard, but as it actually edits the GEDCOM file directly. It is written in Java and is one of the only complete genealogy applications working on Linux. GenJ is free software so it can be redistributed and/or be modified under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation.
GeneoTree - Genealogy software in Php/MySql - GEDCOM Viewer Freeware
GeneoTree is a dynamic application which uses GEDCOM files to create web pages. You just activate your MySQL base on your provider.
GenMerge - The Genealogical Merge Utility
GenMerge is a stand-alone software utility for automatically finding and merging duplicates in family information. GenMerge will analyze your files, remove duplicates in each file and merge them in seconds.
Proposal for human-readable genealogy files stored in well-organized traversable way.
GEDCOM » GEDCOM Software & Tools
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