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- - Search Birth, Marriage & Death Records has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription.
Courchaton, France Church Records, 1670-1852
Original source: Banet, Charles, Rev.. Courchaton, France Church Records, 1670-1852. Rensselaer, IN, USA: Charles Banet, 1980.
Paris & Vicinity, France, Death Notices, 1860-1902 / Faire-part de décès de Paris et ses environs, France, 1860 à 1902
Original source: ARFIDO S.A. Paris et sa région: Faire-part de décès. Série 12: Paris 1893-1902, Séries 15-18: Banlieue 1860-1902. Paris: ARFIDO S.A., 2006.
Paris, France & Vicinity Births, 1700-1899 / Naissances de Paris et Ancienne Seine, 1700 à 1899
Original source: Maurice Coutot, comp. Etat civil reconstitué 1798-1860: Mariages, naissances, décès. Paris: ARFIDO S.A., 2006. © ARFIDO S.A.
Paris, France & Vicinity Deaths, 1707-1907 / Décès de Paris et Ancienne Seine, 1707 à 1907
Original source: Maurice Coutot, comp. Etat civil reconstitué 1798-1860: Mariages, naissances, décès. Paris: ARFIDO S.A., 2006. © ARFIDO S.A.
Paris, France & Vicinity Marriage Banns, 1860-1902 / Publications des bans de mariage de Paris et Ancienne Seine, 1860 à 1902
Original source: Archives de Paris et sa région: Publications des bans de Mariages 1860-1930. Paris: ARFIDO S.A., 2006. © ARFIDO S.A.
Paris, France & Vicinity Marriages, 1710-1907 / Mariages de Paris et ses environs, France, 1700 à 1907
Original source: Maurice Coutot, comp. Etat civil reconstitué 1798-1860: Mariages, naissances, décès. Paris: © ARFIDO S.A., 2006.
ANOM, Etat Civil, choix d'un territoire
Scans of civil registration birth, marriage, and death records of (former) overseas parts of France: Algeria, Cambodia, Canada, Cape of Good Hope, China, Comores, Congo, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Dahomey, Egypt, Gabon, Guadeloupe, Guin
Association de Généalogie des Hautes-Alpes
Searchable indexed transcription of birth, marriage, and other civil records for Haute-Alpes department including migrants, military, notarial deeds, and more.
Bases de données généalogiques sur Bruxelles et Paris
Over the last twenty years, I have analysed many birth, marriage and death acts for my personal use from the Archives in Brussels and Paris. These are the seven databases which I now propose to make available to the general public, free of charge, on this site.
Etat civil en ligne (FranceArchives)
Numérisation et mise en ligne des registres paroissiaux et d'état civil dans les services d'archives publics au 24 janvier 2018.
FamilySearch - France, Coutances Catholic Diocese, 1802-1907
Images of Catholic parish registers recording events of baptism, marriage and burial in the Diocese of Coutances. Parishes in this diocese lie within the department of Manche.
FamilySearch - France, Coutances et d'Avranche Diocese, Inquiries of Consanguinity, 1597-1818
Images of Catholic registers of inquiries of consanguinity (registres des enqu
FamilySearch - France, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, Church Records, 1539-1793
Church records (registres paroissiaux) of baptisms, marriages, and burials within the custody of the Municipal Archives of Toulouse (Archives municipales de Toulouse). Includes marriage banns (bans de mariages). Most records are for Catholics, although there are a small quantity of available records for Protestants. Availability of records is largely dependent on time period and locality.
FamilySearch - France, Haute-Garonne, Toulouse, Civil Registration, 1792-1893
Civil registration (
FamilySearch - France, Protestant Church Records, 1612-1906
Church records for various Protestant parishes throughout France. This collection includes birth, marriages, and death. The event place field will be indexed in the future. To access the event place before this update is made, please view the record
FamilySearch - Netherlands, Bibliothèque Wallonne, Card Indexes, ca. 1500-1858
Abstracts of baptisms, marriages, deaths, and memberships from French Protestant parish registers from Belgium, France, Germany, and the Netherlands.
French Civil Record Index for Select Villages in Bas-Rhin
Index to French Civil records for the following villages: Asswiller, Butten, Mackwiller, Niederstinzel, Waldhambach from about 1793-1872.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
An access in only one click to civil records of Metropolitan France, Overseas Territories and Old French Colonies. It contains civil records by departments and by communes. The access by department is by department number, by alphabetical order, or by region, or through a very visible huge map, clicking in every department. The access to communes includes a detail with the address and phone and e-mail of every commune conserving its own civil records, and a list apart of all the communes on line. It also has an access to French Overseas records (when available): Guadeloupe, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Martinique, Guyane, Reunion, etc. Also includes a conversion of dates of French Republican Calendar to our conventional calendar, and a report about how to preserve old documents, papers and photographs, and their illnesses. It's actually considered in France one of the best resources for French records research. The site has a version in English, other one in French and other in Spanish.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine] -
GénéaGier - Les Généalogistes de la Vallée du Gier / Genealogists of the Gier Valley
Relevés - Actes état Civil, Actes notariés, Livre d'or 1914-1918.
généalogie ! GENEALOGY FRANCE recherches sur la généalogie, l'histoire des noms de famille, Mise a jour MINITEL
This is a search engine for the marriage list and some birth records on the French Minitel service.
Ce site à pour but de mettre en ligne les relevés systématiques effectués par des benevoles issus des registres d’État Civil du Lot.
Les données sont extraites de mes relevés systématiques des actes de Grandchamp-des-Fontaines. Les fiches sont extraites de ma base de données: Une fiche par individu ayant au moins un acte de baptême, naissance, mariage ou décès sur Casson. Les fiches sont extraites de ma base de données filiative, créée à partir des fichiers informatiques d'André Le Bourhis : Une fiche par individu ayant au moins un acte de baptême, naissance, mariage ou décès sur La-Chapelle-sur-Erdre. En 1790, le vicaire d'Héric, Ollivier Lebastard, décide de relever les actes paroissiaux. Les mariages de Sucé sont en ligne (1616 - 1920) avec l'aide Jean-Yves Barbaud qui m'a aimablement fourni ses relevés pour la période 1616 - 1668 et m'a autorisé à les ajouter à la base. Les fiches sont extraites de ma base de données: Une fiche par individu ayant au moins un acte de baptême, naissance, mariage ou décès sur Treillières.
Lecture et Informatisation des Sources Archivistiques. Territory of Belfort parish records transcribed and compiled. Baptisms, marriages and deaths are indexed alphabetically and chronologically. Records cover the 17th and 18th centuries. History of the area, part of Alsace and in the department of Haut-Rhin until the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871, is included. Consultation via email, with the organization's volunteers is available, free of charge. In French and English.
This website, in French, contains databases for towns in the department of Haute Sa
A database of 45,000 French marriages in which one of the a people is a migrant (married in another department or country other than that of their birth).