Reverse phone lookup. Retro Sleuth provides background information from any number that you want to search.
Reverse Phone Directory helps you find people by their name or their phone number-landline or cellular number, unlisted or unpublished. We also work with our partners to provide accurate and additional people search information such as previous addresses, even relatives and neighborhood information like average home values or incomes.
RingThem.Com - World Telephone Directories
Directory of online white pages, yellow pages directories for countries all around the world.
Search People - Free Reverse Phone, Address, White Pages, Yellow Pages
Search people by last name, address, phone number or email address. Search for businesses with the yellow pages directory. International people search includes world phone books and reverse phone number lookup.
[The original link is broken. This link points to an archived copy on the Wayback Machine]
If you don't have access to a phone CD try this site for addresses and phone numbers.
Directory of all telephone numbers in the Netherlands. NOTE: You must know a person's address in order to retrieve his/her telephone number.
Telephone and City Directories in the Library of Congress: Current Directories
By Barbara B. Walsh, Reference Specialist, Research Guide No. 42.
White Pages Phone Directory with Free People Search.
Finding Living People » Telephone Directories
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