Records of the Tötösy de Zepetnek Family / A Zepetneki Tötösy család adattára
Compilation of Latin, Hungarian, and German published, archival, and family documents middle ages-current with selected English translations, and genealogies of Hungarian, German, Austrian, Belgian, Polish, Canadian, Croatian, Italian, Slovenian, Romanian, & US-American families.
Respected Citizens:the history of Armenians in Singapore and Malaysia
A website promoting a book on Armenians in Singapore and Malaysia. Contains lists of Armenians buried in those countries- e.g Anthony, Joaquim, Martin, Moses, Sarkies, Seth, Zechariah.
Royal and noble family trees, including lists of rulers of many European countries.
The Knowles Collection Updated
The Knowles Collection is group of records on the FamilySearch Community Trees Website. This database originally contained the records of a small section of the Jewish people of the British Isles. That set included less than 10,000 people. What was once a single database, has now grown to be six individual databases that now contain the genealogical records of almost 1.2 million Jewish people: The Jews of the British Isles; The Jews of North America; The Jews of Europe; The Jews of South America and the Caribbean; The Jews of Africa, The Orient and the Middle East; The Jews of the South Pacific. Read more about the collection here: FamilySearch Blog - Popular Online Jewish Genealogy Collection Surpasses One Million Entries
Eastern Europe » People: Ethnicities, Nations, and Families
27 Links
Adoptions, biographies, ethnic groups, famous people, immigrants, some family groups, etc.