The Formidable Genealogist was created by two women, Jen Shaffer and Holly Bokelman, with a love of solving the mysteries of family histories, finding long lost biological relatives through DNA and preserving the memories of our ancestors. Located in the Minneapolis and Omaha areas.
Professional Genetic Genealogist Gerri Berger. Specializes in adoption cases and other cases of unknown parentage.
We provide DNA testing of artefacts from your passed loved-ones to enhance your genealogical research. We also provide genetic genealogy services, as well as DNA banking for funeral directors.
Tracing You Genetic Genealogy Services
Genetic and traditional genealogy services by Rhonda Kevorkian. Adoption cases, unknown parentage, unknown ancestors and other services.
Brianne Kirkpatrick, genetic counseling consultation on ancestry testing.
Diahan Southard's site for consultation, video training, and more.
YSEQ offers personalized DNA testing of Y chromosome markers for the advanced DNA genealogist. We develop custom assays for testing private SNPs and any STR hat can be useful for citizen science projects.
DNA, Genetics & Family Health » Professional Services & DNA Testing
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