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AncestryDNA Tools
AncestryDNA's new Genetic Communities have arrived
By Debbie Kennett.
AncestryDNA’s Genetic Communities are Finally Here!
By Blaine Bettinger, The Genetic Genealogist.
Circling the DNA clues | The Legal Genealogist
Blog by Judy Russell about DNA circles and NADs (New Ancestor Discovery).
Chromosome Mapping
Andrea's Ancestors - Templates
Excel template for chromosome maps.
chromosome mapping | Kitty Cooper's Blog
All blog posts by Kitty that are tagged for chromosome mapping.
Chromosome Mapping and GEDmatch: An Overview of What They Are and What The Benefits Are
Blog post by Dan Stone.
One Chromosome Mapper - Make a graphic chromosome map from a CSV of overlapping segments
This program will make a web page chart for a single chromosome from a CSV file for segments mapped for up to 40 individuals. From Kitty Cooper.
A tool to help you with specific DNA segment overlaps. From Kitty Cooper.
Cruwys news: Autosomal DNA triangulation. Part 1: the basics
By Debbie Kennett.
Developer of the Leeds Method of DNA color clustering which helps other genealogists and adoptees easily sort and interpret DNA test results so they can identify cousins, ancestors, and unknown close, biological family members.
Managing, Tracking, and Verifying DNA Matches, by Marc McDermott.
DNA Painter | Chromosome Mapping
DNA Painter provides an online tool for chromosome mapping.
DNA Painter | Library of Matches
The Library of Matches is a relationship prediction tool created and built by Cody Ely using a DNA Painter chromosome map, where it is also featured and hosted. The data set consists of real example matches that have been mapped out, allowing for visual comparison of different relationship types, along with predictions based on cM, number of segments, and segment patterns.
DNA.Land is a place where you can learn more about your genome while enabling scientists to make new genetic discoveries for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to help members to interpret their data and to enable their contribution to research. You must have access to your genome data in order to participate in DNA.Land. Participation is free.
- - Autosomal DNA Segment Analyzer
This tool will construct a table for each chromosome which includes match and segment information as well as a visual graph of overlapping segments, juxtaposed with a customized, color-coded ICW matrix that will permit you to triangulate matching segments without having to look in multiple spreadsheets or on different screens in FamilyTreeDNA.
DNAMatch4iPad - DNA App For iPad
DNAMatch4iPad is a powerful and easy to use alternative to the use of conventional spreadsheets for the processing of autosomal DNA data.
Double Match Triangulator (DMT)
A free autosomal DNA analysis tool. It combines two different people's Chromosome Browser Results files from FamilyTreeDNA to provide Double Match and Triangulation data in an Excel file that can be used to help determine genealogical relationships.
Family Tree DNA Tools
- - Tools for genealogy research
Designed to find common ancestors based on autosomal DNA FTDNA Family Finder Test or 23&Me Relative Finder test) or family histories (GEDCOMs). Can save hours of emailing possible "matches." Several other interesting options are also available.
Beginner's Guides to Using GEDmatch
You must be logged in as a user on the GEDmatch site in order to access this page.
GedMatch | DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy
Blog posts by Roberta Estes that are tagged for GEDmatch.
GEDmatch | Kitty Cooper's Blog
All blog posts by Kitty that are tagged for GEDmatch.
By Angie Bush, MS.
GEDmatch GENEALOGY and Ancestry Group (Facebook)
A GEDmatch user and comparison group who want to make family and ancestral connections.
You must be logged in as a user on the GEDmatch site in order to access this page.
GEDmatch: Ancestry Composition Tools by Kitty Cooper
Slide presentation.
By Diahan Southard.
- - Tools for genealogy research
Designed to find common ancestors based on autosomal DNA FTDNA Family Finder Test or 23&Me Relative Finder test) or family histories (GEDCOMs). Can save hours of emailing possible "matches." Several other interesting options are also available.
- User Group (Facebook)
A place for users to better understand the available tools, interpret autosomal DNA results and have questions answered.
Genetic Genealogy using GEDmatch - An Absolute Beginners Guide
By Jared Smith.
Introduction To Using GEDmatch
By Dan Stone, Adventures In Genealogy Research: No Stone Unturned/The Wright Stuff.
Legacy Family Tree Webinars - Introduction to Gedmatch
By Blaine Bettinger. Legacy Family Tree Webinars are available with a monthly or annual webinar membership subscription.
Genealogical DNA Analysis Tool (GDAT)
An app that utilizes autosomal DNA to aid in the research of family trees. The app houses a database of the autosomal data downloaded from various testing companies and provides analysis tools for family history research.
Must-Have Tools for FTDNA Users: Genome Mate
From the Iowa DNA Project.
Stumbling My Way in Genome Mate Pro
By Wesley Johnston.
Introducing the Library of Matches | DNA Painter Blog
An introduction and guide to using the Library of Matches tool at DNA Painter.