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1859-1860 Scranton City Directory (Internet Archive)
Free download of 1859-1860 Scranton City Directory, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania.
Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota. In 1885 R.W. Bliss & Company, Fargo, Dakota Territory, published Bliss' Fargo and Moorhead Directory for the Year Commencing July 1885. The directory attempts to list each householder in the communities, the person's address and occupation. Business listings include the proprietors, address and type of business. Here we've reproduced the alphabetical and classified business listings from the Moorhead section verbatim. The Fargo section and advertising are not included. Please remember that directories missed many people and misspellings are common.
Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota. This edition of C. C. Beckwith's Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota City Directory was published in June 1891. The directory attempts to list each householder in the community, any adult children living in the home, the person's address, occupation and employer. Business listings include the proprietors, address and type of business. Here we've reproduced the alphabetical listings in the Moorhead section verbatim. The Fargo section, advertising and classified business sections are not included. Please remember that directories missed many people and misspellings are common.
1903 Jahrbuch und Mitglieder - Liste - Deutsche Evangel. Immanuels Gemeinde
1903 Church membership directory of the Deutsche Evangel. Immanuels Gemeinde in Hammond, Lake County, Indiana. It is a listing of the German church's members' names and addresses.
Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota. This edition of Pettibone's Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota City Directory was actually published in late 1914. The directory attempts to list each householder in the community, any adult children living in the home, the person's address, occupation and employer. Business listings include the proprietors, address and type of business.
Ohio. Scanned images.
Clay County, Minnesota.
Clay County, Minnesota.
A Directory and Handbook of the City of Williamsburg and the County of James City, Virginia (1898)
High resolution scanned images of this entire historic directory including advertising. Blue link buttons next to individual names provide hyperlink connections to pages where that individual is mentioned in the text or an advertisement.
Akron-Summit County Public Library - Special Collections Division - Historic Akron City Directories
These are the historic Akron City and surrounding area directories covering dates from 1859 to 1969. These are provided by the Akron City Library Special Collections division located in Akron, Ohio.
American Antiquarian Society - Ohio Name Index, 1796-1850
This index includes 156,300 names of Ohio people, businesses and institutions. The names appear in the books, pamphlets and broadsides printed in Ohio from 1796 through 1850 which are listed in the Morgan Bibliography of Ohio Imprints, 1796-1850. To date, the titles indexed are primarily school catalogues (over 37,000 student names), city directories, annual conventions, and many other individual titles.
Volumes of the American Jewish Year Book from 1899 to the present. From the American Jewish Committee Archives.
Ancestral Beginnings - City Directory Look-ups
More than 250 city directories, and growing, from the United States covering the 1890s through the 1970s are available for look-ups.
- - New York, U.S., City Directories
Original source: Source information provided with each record. This directory was reproduced courtesy of the New England Historic Genealogical Society ( has searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images are available with a fee-based subscription. Free articles and helpful research materials.
- - Search Schools, Directories & Church Histories
Searchable indexes; database results and some digitized images available with fee-based subscription.
U.K. and U.S. Directories, 1680-1830
Original source: Avero Publications. Biography Database, 1680-1830. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England: Avero Publications, 1998.