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1898 Directory of Utila, The Bay Islands, Honduras
Extract from the 1898 Honduras Directory of the Cities (Directorio de Las Cuidades) listing names and occupations of people living in Utila, The Bay Islands, Honduras.
1915 Netherlands Phone Directory / Naamlijst voor den Telefoondienst - januari 1915
Covers all listed telephone subscribers in the Netherlands in 1915. Organized by city, by name. In Dutch but clear & simple enough for any user to understand its functioning.
1929 Polish Business Directory
Online searchable index of 20th century genealogical data for more than 34,000 locations using Ksiega Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem dla Handlu, Przemyslu Rzemiosl I Rolnictwa) Directory of Poland, including Gdansk, for trade, industry, handicraft and agriculture (1929).
- - Sydney and New South Wales, Australia, Sands Street Index, 1861-1930
Original source: Sands Directories: Sydney and New South Wales, Australia, 1858
- - Adressbuch in der DigiBib
This is a list of browseable city directories for Germany. The list of directories is in order by city name. The collection continues to grow.
Sands Directory NSW 1858 to 1933
The firm of John Sands Ltd (Printers and Stationers) published their directory each year from 1858-59 to 1932-33 (except for 1872, 1874, 1878 and 1881). The household and business information it contains has become a fundamental source for research into Sydney history, especially family history. From 1900(?) country and pastoral listings were added.
State Library of Western Australia - Post Office Directories
The WA Post Office directories (from 1893 through 1945) provide information by locality, individual surname, government service, and by trade or profession. The different sections enable the enquirer to see at a glance the householders or businesses in any one town; the address of any householder or business in the State; and the businesses or individuals throughout Western Australia engaged in any trade or profession.
Thackers - and other - Directories
Directories of interest to those researching family history in India.