German-English Genealogical Dictionary (Amazon)
A book by Ernest Thode.
Glossary of Common Land and Property Terms
By Kimberly Powell
Glossary of Terms used in past times
From the United Kingdom.
Article by Alison U. Ring.
Norwegian Genealogy Dictionary
This dictionary contains words related to genealogy. Most of the words are not likely to appear in a common dictionary. However, to be able to make a translation you will also need a common dictionary. Abbreviation NN means Nynorsk (one of Norway's two official languages).
Scottish Archive Network - Research Tools - The Glossary
Glossary of Scottish terms of interest to genealogists.
Swedish Historical Dictionary Database, SHDD
Swedish Historical Dictionary Database, SHDD offers over 41,000 Swedish words with English translation from 1814. All words in original spelling. Swedish and English searchable, German and French read only. Great for genealogy, history, and linguistics.
A book by Terrick H. Fitzhugh. An outstanding reference explaining terms and concepts used in UK genealogy.
Dictionaries & Glossaries » Genealogy Dictionaries & Glossaries
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