A Medical Miscellany for Genealogists
A book by Jeanette L. Jerger.
Ancestry's Concise Genealogical Dictionary
A book by Maurine Harris and Glen Harris.
Charts for Reference in Genealogy Research
Glossary Chart, Occupation Chart, War Chart, Disease Chart.
Colonial American English: A Glossary
A book by Richard M. Lederer.
FamilySearch Wiki - Category:Word List
Genealogical word lists for: Afrikaans, Czech Republic, Danish, Dutch, England, France, German, Hungary, Icelandic, Italian, Latin, Netherlands, Norwegian, Poland, Poland Language and Languages, Polnisch, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thailand.
GeneaDictionary (or should that be geneaglossary?)
From Jill Ball, Australian blogger GENIAUS.
GeneaDictionary or should that be geneaglossary?
From Australian genealogist, Jill Ball, several commonly used phrases by genealogists today.
From GenealogyInTime Magazine.
GENP - Glossary of Japanese genealogical terms
This glossary gives English translations of Japanese genealogy terms.
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