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Caring for Historic Graveyard and Cemetery Monuments | Historic England
A free PDF document from Historic England.
Cemetery Preservation Supply LLC Your headquarters for D/2 Biological Solution
Successfully used in cemeteries. D/2 has been successfully used to remove staining from a variety of surfaces including natural stones such as marble, granite, limestone, sandstone, slate; masonry surfaces such as brick and cast stone; concrete; wood; aluminum and vinyl siding; and canvas. The site is a supplier of D/2 Biological Solution and includes a video for how to clean gravestones, as well as news updates and a blog.
Cleaning and Preservation of Tombstones, Headstones & Gravestones
An article by Everlife Memorials.
European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative - ESJF
The ESJF project has begun the process of physically protecting Jewish burial sites in Europe, most particularly in places where Jewish communities were wiped out in the Holocaust. It involves a full mapping process with research, monitoring and individual proposals for protection. The ESJF has begun to survey 1,500 Jewish burial sites across five European countries, including Greece, Lithuania, Moldova, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
Jonathan Appell, Monuments Conservator, West Hartford, Connecticut.
Gravestone Guardians of North Carolina
In Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Elkin, Dobson, Yadkinville, Mocksville, and the surrounding area, Gravestone Guardians provide professional cleaning of: headstone, gravestone, marker or foot-stone, bronze marker restoration, weeding, lichen removal, inscription enhancement, and graveside delivery or planting of flowers. We NEVER power wash, sand-blast or use harsh chemicals on any gravestones. Fully insured.
Monumental Cleaning and Restoration LLC
Headstone cleaning and restoration in Chilton, Calumet County, Wisconsin.
Sacred Spaces LLC - Graveyard Artistry
Historical graveyard preservation and restoration company serving U.S and Canada. Located in Washington Township, Michigan.
Save Your Stones - Gravestone Cleaning and Photography
Home of the Gravestone Cleaning Kit and provider of professional gravestone cleaning services in western Wisconsin.