Washington County, MN Cemeteries
A listing of burials in cemeteries in Washington County, MN, along with headstone photos. Help with obtaining obituaries, death certificates etc. for Washington County.
Washington County, MO Cemeteries
Complete listing of 23,000+ burials in Washington County, MO cemeteries. Updates and corrections are welcome.
Washington County, OH Cemetery Index
Cemetery Index for Washington Co, Ohio containing over 60,000 burials and their corresponding cemetery locations, including birth & death years and veteran service.
Washington State Digital Archives
Index and digital images of state and local vital, military and legal records for Washington State residents from the 1840s to date.
Washtucna Pioneer Memorial Cemetery, Washtucna, Adams County, WA
Washtucna, Washington.
Information on those buried in Waterboro, Maine, cemeteries, including names, relationships, veteran status, marker condition and dates.
Waterford Rural Cemetery Records
New York.
Albany, Missouri.
Wayne County Missouri Cemetery Photographs
Contains cemetery and tombstone photographs located in Wayne Co. Missouri.
Websites of New Zealand Cemeteries
Comprehensive list of New Zealand Cemetery websites.
Monroe County, New York.
Weimar Sanitorium Cemetery Placer County
From the Placer County, California Genealogy Trails History Group.
Welcome to my Family pages---> Cemeteries
Cemetery transcriptions from the west Quebec region of Canada. Over 40 cemeteries will be listed, only 6 are complete so far. Montcerf, Maniwaki, Gracefield, Aylwin, Perkins and Buckingham to name a few.
Werkheiser Cemetery Records - Forks Township
Werribee Family History Group - Cemetery Project
Victoria, Australia. Truganina Cemetery, Werribee Cemetery, Rothwell Cemetery.
Wesleyan Cemetery 4003 Colerain Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45223
To find a burial in Wesleyan Cemetery click on the first letter of the last name below. You will find an alphabetical listing, which includes name, age, date interred and fathers name.
Graveyard surveys and burial registers in Cork, Ireland.
Cemeteries & Funerals » Locality Specific: A-Z » Cemeteries & Funerals - W
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