Mystery novels featuring Colorado genealogist Anna Denning.
Pyramid Publishers - About Murders and Genealogy in Hennepin County
Murders and Genealogy in Hennepin County is a fictional novel based on a real mystery in the actual Schaar Family Genealogy, which also includes two murders 141 years apart and a hidden 2-1/2 million dollars in Civil War coins that belong to the true heir of Jakob Meyer. It is one of the few fictional stories that include genealogy as a main plot.
Lists of mystery series with featuring genealogists.
Author Lynne Christensen is a world traveler who enjoys visiting museums and archives. She grew up roaming around graveyards in Europe with her genealogy-loving parents in search of elusive ancestors.
The Broken Branches (Amazon.com)
A school project begins a journey for Sarafina Garcia that will change her life forever. In an attempt to gain a scholarship to a prestigious school, she is thrown headfirst into a labyrinth of family history that will confuse and deepen her search. Don't dig up old bones was the response Sarafina received from her mother when she asked for help. What was it in the family history that was so horrible that she wouldn't discuss it? Only by delving into historical records will she solve the lingering mystery of her parentage and mend the broken branches of her childhood one last time.
A novel by Claire Gebben, based on one of her ancestors and his life. Historical fiction about a 19th century blacksmith who comes to America from the Bavarian Rhineland inspired by Cooper
Vigilantes to Verdicts: Stories from a Texas District Court
Sherri Knight's book about justice in nineteenth century Texas. 'Vigilantes to Verdicts' follows the stories of men and women such as John Wesley Hardin and Tom Wright as they faced judges and district attorneys determined to bring law and order to the Wild West.
Wrong Branch: Arnold County Skeletons (Amazon.com)
By Woody Hendrick. Set in a southern county, this mystery begins with the discovery of a book collection over 100 years old. Mary, the county genealogist, and a detective with no name must unpack the genealogical murders.
Wrong Branch: Arnold County Skeletons (Amazon)
Mary Stuart, a small town genealogist, becomes entangled in a series of murders brought about by books not seen for over a hundred years. As she digs deeper she finds that most of the people around her are not what they seem to be. Compounding the mysteries is a Police Detective who won't reveal his name. The general background is based loosely on Wytheville and Virginia. Not based on any real people, but one reviewer said she knew every character who was introduced in the first chapter.
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