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A place where family historians can discuss ideas from DearMYRTLE's blog, curating and Hangouts on Air. This includes how to climb family trees (research challenges & breakthroughs), genealogy software, preserving heirlooms, and sharing comments about the great websites Ol' Myrt spotlights from time to time. DearMYRTLE is the nom de plume of Pat Richley-Erickson who has provided practical, down-to-earth advice to family historians online since 1984/5.
Family History 4 Beginners (Facebook)
Established in 2014 to open the worlds of history and genealogy to anyone, to allow them to use our resources and to help each other out.
Gen-Newbie Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
Companion web site to the mailing list.
GENTEEN Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For teenagers and young adults who are interested in genealogical research or others who have suggestions or ideas for young genealogists. Areas that will be addressed by the list include general genealogical concerns, keeping records, finding information and clues, or any other concerns dealing with genealogy and young adults.
ROOTS-L Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
A continuation of the oldest genealogical email list on the Internet, ROOTS-L, formerly hosted at RootsWeb. Historical archives (1987-2020) can be still be found on RootsWeb:
SENIOR-NEWBIE Mailing List (RootsWeb, archived on Archive-It)
For people of all ages who would like help learning to use the internet and/or their computer for genealogy purposes in a safe environment, without being made to feel stupid. It is not for queries related to specific ancestral searches.
The Genealogy Squad (Facebook)
The mission of the Genealogy Squad Facebook group is to provide a positive space for the sharing of appropriate and reliable methods and resources to assist genealogists at all levels. We focus on answering questions and solving problems, while demonstrating best practices in all aspects of genealogical research.